food The Drunken Chef

JayT said:
Man ALL that stuff looks great. Glad I didn't have to compete with a whole platter like that. I think I would have went with a different entry for the throwdown since PF beat you to the punch on the rollups. Those skewers look awesome, I would've went with them.

Yeah...I thought about it. Now you can see what a difficult choice I had to make. I'm still happy with the popper-rolls. When I came up with the idea, I figured it was something that hadn't been made in the entire history of the world...A popper INSIDE a spring roll. Then, I searched last night. Only one other person I could find has ever even suggested it.....and she did it right 2007.
Ah Pam. She was cool, but a bit volatile. Maybe confrontational. I don't know. I always got along with her, but some others didn't. She was always interesting to say the least.
JayT said:
Ah Pam. She was cool, but a bit volatile. Maybe confrontational. I don't know. I always got along with her, but some others didn't. She was always interesting to say the least.

Her account is still active, but she hasn't posted since June of last year.
She was here for a while, got pissed at someone and left for months. Then she came back for a bit, got pissed again and we haven't heard from her since. She was a really active member while she was here so I don't think she's coming back.
JayT said:
She was here for a while, got pissed at someone and left for months. Then she came back for a bit, got pissed again and we haven't heard from her since. She was a really active member while she was here so I don't think she's coming back.


I try really hard not to offend others and understand that sometimes it can be tough to determine intentions when you can't hear the inflections in someone's voice.

Then again...I can also be quite a smart-ass.....but it's all in fun! ;)
That's where the problem lied. She could dish it out with the best of 'em, but if someone said something she didn't like she got all offended.
Paul...I have to say that if THP would have allowed us to use our plater/spread idea, you would have taken it all the way. Wow...I want to watch the next Superbowl at your house! That is a feast you have laid out there and it has gotten me all drooling and excited and everything.
Good spread too much golden brown stuff for me. Did your fryer die after this? LOL

Yeah I like the popper spring roll. Unique, colorful, sounds tasty... I think that was the choice.

Doesn't matter 2 people did spring rolls. Both are diff. and peeps will pick what they like overall.
Pepperfreak said:
Paul...I have to say that if THP would have allowed us to use our plater/spread idea, you would have taken it all the way. Wow...I want to watch the next Superbowl at your house! That is a feast you have laid out there and it has gotten me all drooling and excited and everything.

Thank you, my friend! You are certainly invited for the next one! said:
Good spread too much golden brown stuff for me. Did your fryer die after this? LOL

Thank you! Would you believe that I don't even own one? I just use a dutch oven on the stovetop. Makes it pretty simple. said:
Yeah I like the popper spring roll. Unique, colorful, sounds tasty... I think that was the choice.

Doesn't matter 2 people did spring rolls. Both are diff. and peeps will pick what they like overall.

Yeah...I really grappled with which dish to present. BUT, I sure enjoyed making every one of them!
: opens door and strolls into the thread :

: trips over empty beer bottles and cans :

: slips and falls in a puddle of barf :

Ewwww that's the barf from the underwear swallower.
Couldn't find the appropriate thread to post throwdown banter, but I figured this was a pretty safe bet. Had to vote for P2K aka Moo-moo or "Big Girl Blouse" (Tb et al). Gewd job Paul! I noticed the REAL spread and it looks really impressive. Honestly though, the Yamburgers had it going on, but they certainly didn't look all that great in the pics. I've put my photographer on probation. SoFlo Posse has been on a bit of a sabbatical, but rest assured, we'll be bringing some "new hotness" soon.
