food The Drunken Chef

All of the stuff goes into a New Orlean Red Beans and Rice dish....just tasted it when I started cooking it down...marvelous...the recipe called for pickled pork and since I love pickled pigs feet anyway, I just substituted...

Here are all the ingredients in the dutch oven before mixing...


and I stirred it and now it is a 3 hour wait...


I also got some sweet potatos and am thinking about making some small sweet potato pies in a cupcake pan using croisants as the crust....maybe a little nutmeg, cinnamon and brown sugar?...hmmmm, we will see what I come up with...
Look'n good but we want a finished plate.

I also what to recipe to that Planters Punch...sems like I missed it somewhere.

Are we a demanding group or what? :lol:
OK gents....after several planters punches and several shiner 'tis

I used a Basmati/Wild rice mixture with some veggies for the base of the red beans, grilled jalapeno sausage, a couple pieces of cornbread, and garnished with a fresh sprig of parsley...I have to say this is one of the best meals I have prepared in a long time...back to basics for me it looks like...I can cook southern.....


and the little sweet potato pies I made using croissant dough for the crust...topped with a little whipped cream and some cayenne powder...chocolate syrup and nutmeg on the plate....


Pf....I will get you the recipe in a little bit after I eat...
The origins of that distinctive phrase are credited to none other than Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top. Hot, Blue, and Righteous. was a track from the album Tres Hombres. As the Rev. is in the groove with all 'thangs bbq, hot sauce, and Tex-Mex, I stole the ditty and deemed it appropos to label all forms of superior hot and spicy as...
thanks ya'll, I apapreciate the HB&R designation...just finished and got a good full belly...made a mistake today when I pureed up the sweet potato...the only thing I had with enough power was that new 1/2 gallon bar blender I bought to puree up peppers in...guess what...can you say heat transfer from the residue in the blender to the pumpkin pie puree and, hot, hot...the blender had been last used for Trinidad Scorpions and I washed it real good with soap and water...looks like washing it was for naught...the pumpkin pie filling I made has a very spicy down the throat burn but it actually goes very well with the spices used in the pumpkin pie mixture...

Pf...I can't find that recipe but if JayT sees this thread, maybe he will either post it here or direct you to the right thread where the recipe was...the planters punch I drank today wa left over from this past wednesday or thursday and all the fruit residue in it (marischino cherries and pineapple) sucked up the alcohol...
Never mind...I found the recipe post #2268 Thanks for looking though AJ. I'm going to try this, but I don't have the cherries so I don't know how it'll turn out.
TB is that the ZZ Top cover with the Tex Mex spread on crack? said:
TB is that the ZZ Top cover with the Tex Mex spread on crack?

You are correct sir! That pic is the epitomy of hot, blue, and righteous....and thus the inspiration. Check the Lounge for discussion on the matter.
Pepperfreak said:
I'm going to try this, but I don't have the cherries so I don't know how it'll turn out.

yo uhave to have something sweet to make it got any cherry jelly?...just something like grenadine?