food The Drunken Chef

mel said:

It looks like someone already ate that...

Just kidding - you have a pidgeon for me too? ;)
Thanks AJ :) you gotta have peas in fried rice..

and MrArboc - I warned you it looked messy... I did attempt to make it pretty but then failed and thought fck it..
i thought so...

here's a pic of the left overs... looks *slightly* better than the dinner i had :P no fatalli in this one.. just some out of the garden for mrmel :)

and just where are your submissions nova?? i dont recall seeing anything posted that you've managed to cook up... whats wrong?? you no likey the kitchen?
I only made sauce tonight, i ended up with more than i thought i would too. I will send you a woozie with some naga podz. P.S. looks messy and tastes good..... 69............ get it....?
I have no pictures or this is not cooking. I had ( currently drinking ) my last bad ass stout brew and some 7 pot powder spare for a special..... umm....drunk.... occasion.

Stout + 7 pot sprinkled on top = kick ass.
Wow I missed a lot of fun last night. AJ you made me depressed that my grill and deck is burried in three feet of snow. I may have to go shovel it out now and make some grilled seafood. I keep seeing these curries and dals and it is making me think I need to start making some of them too. Mel that chicken marinade sounds good. Well done all of you.
Haven't decided what's for dinner tonight......

We destroyed that entire pot of curried shrimp last night. There wasn't so much as a grain of rice left. I didn't ,however, have my second plate till my sense of taste returned. You see, I was a bit too liberal with PF's 7-pod powder over the first dish......:shocked:

...BAD idea :rofl:
texas blues said:
I feel your pain on the PF powder. Second time I used the 7-pod I also "overserved" myself. Very tasty stuff but.....brutal!!


Yeah....just three or four good shakes on my whole plate and it was very nearly impossible to eat. After two bites, all I could taste was flavor at all. It took 30 minutes before I could go back to seconds. ;)

Crushed red pepper it ain't!!