food The Drunken Chef

chilehunter said:
I think grilled cheese or a grilled ham & cheese is always good once in awhile.

I ended up playing short order cook.

The twins had standard grilled cheese with american cheese and white bread.

Retta had the same, only with tomatoes and a bowl of chicken & stars soup.

I had a grilled ham-n-swiss on rye with a little mayo.

(mine was the best) :lol:
millworkman said:
Left over spaghetti noodles with bacon cheese and balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

That sounds like an interesting combination to be sure!

***By the way......this is my 5,000th. post......Woot Woot!***
Yeah and not all cabbage is sauerkraut.


Novacastrian said:
Yeah and not all cabbage is sauerkraut.



looks like you're off to a good start!! whatabout the drink though? you getting drunk on fanta?? :P
That's half moonshine there baby, 45% no less. Just about to start cooking, my sister showed up and took some chillis and then wanted to know what the Douglah was all about. I showed her your vids and she thinks you are nuts! :)
Sounds like your sister is a good judge of character!! Dont forget to take the legs and attached shells off before you add them to whatever you cook - or at least cut them down the back so the flavour gets into the prawns :D