food The Drunken Chef

Blister said:
I don't get it? What are you guys laughing at? Oh well, I got my meat in the marinade, but my hands started cramping up from rubbing it in good. I had to get the g/f unit to help. Then her hands started to cramp up and told me to jerk it by myself. So I went ahead and finished it off.

Now you're just teasing!!!

:lol: oh man sometimes I have too much fun by myself. No I'm not making another innuendo, I've had a few beers and have had a good laugh here at THP. The chicken is on the grill and is being hot smoked as we speak. It smells absolutely fantastic! In fact, I'm sure that I will too after all the smoke that's being blown on me.

Oh yea, I'll be saying a little prayer for you tonight paul. :lol:
paulky_2000 said:

What the heck did I do?

Turned everything I said into something dirty! Then THP had to come in here with a heavy hand. It was particularly hard for me to take as I'm as pure as the driven snow. I'll be saying a prayer for you tonight so you don't end up smoking a turd in hell.

Anywho, on to the much anticipated pic! Man I love jerk rub. I can't wait until I can cook it up with some of my own peppers. I was cooking with indirect heat for the most part, but then turned on the other burners to get the bark.

How'd it taste? Well, I cooked up 15 thighs for the 4 of us and there's only 1 left. I had to make sure one was put aside for later :shocked:. Good thing I got on it when I did otherwise it would've been snapped up!
I'm out of the throwdown as I can't do mango's anymore. Might as well cause a ruckus here tonight. Maybe some bison chimmi's or some such tomfoolishnessess is in order.
Ah allergies. My g/f is currently having a battle with allergies. Not sure what's causing it though so she's going through the whole rundown of things that may be causing it.
I had some beer and tequila allergies on the day after the TB get together... That said I can't wait to do it again next year!
Yea I have allergies to booze as well. For instance this one time I took a course in making my own beer, then after the first batch I forgot how to drive. Crazy.