food The Drunken Chef

Here's the pics from the Drunkfest that was our cookout Sunday.




blueberry coleslaw
BBQ chicken with Heartbreaking Dawn's Cajun Blend


Four Horseman burgers with Trinidad Brain, and Douglah relish, Nova's Douglah powder and AJ's Scorpion puree.


Sadly there were no pics of me drinking the 20 or so beers I had as I was the one taking the pics.
The chicken looks really great. :onfire:

It does look great! The burgers look awesome too.

I just picked up a shaker of that Heartbreaking Dawn's Storyville Cajun Blend. It's fantastic. I can't stop sprinkling it on fresh popcorn from the stove. I'll probably have to buy another shaker soon because I might run out before I get to try it on anything good. :lol:
Thanks for all the kind words all. I am still eating the remainder of the leftovers. I am officially out of HBD's Cajun Blend now. Gonna have to hit Johnny up for some more. That stuff is great. A review of it will be posted in the next day or so.
Thanks for all the kind words all. I am still eating the remainder of the leftovers. I am officially out of HBD's Cajun Blend now. Gonna have to hit Johnny up for some more. That stuff is great. A review of it will be posted in the next day or so.

I just recently hit'em up for the lot of their products. Can't wait for the review!!
Thanks for all the kind words all. I am still eating the remainder of the leftovers. I am officially out of HBD's Cajun Blend now. Gonna have to hit Johnny up for some more. That stuff is great. A review of it will be posted in the next day or so.

Also looking forward to the review.
Here's my Drunken Chef entry #2.

A friend of mine came over for a few beers last night and it just so happened that Jenny and I were making stuffed crab poppers. He couldn't resist staying for the duration of the evening. We started off with a 12 pack of Miller Lite which was pretty much gone by the time we got around to actually starting dinner. We were saving the Avery's Karma for later.


All the peppers from the garden (except the Jalapenos). Fresh Orange Habaneros, Caribbean Reds, a Chocolate Bell, etc.



This mixture of butter, onions, garlic and pepper filled the house with a divine aroma.


With the crab and bread mixture added in, ready for stuffing. Used a cookie dough scoop. This was all pretty damn hard to do after 6 - 8 beers. Handling sharp knives and prepping the little habs and jalapenos while intoxicated can be daunting. So, we used canned crab. I know, I know.... losing a few points there. But, hey it was on sale and who wants to crack and clean crab when you're drinking with friends.



Mmmm. Ready. Mac and cheese on the side...... because we were too lit to make some fancy ass, four star side dish.



Holy hell-on-a-stick, these things were hot as :mouthonfire: Tasty though. Here's the recipe for the crab stufiing:
Canned crab is just fine as many folks have difficulty finding it. The only bad crab is NO crab. Crab poppers and mac & cheese for the WIN!
Here's one I completely forgot to post....We made these weekend before last.


Yup....bacon, avocado, and tomato sammiches!! (with vidalia goodness!)

Here's the players: (yes, that's a GALLON of Dukes Mayo!)




Thin sliced vidalia.


I gots knife skills! Just look at those perfect slices! (that's a home grown, by the way!)


Retta (in her Peggy Bundy silk robe) slicing the avocado!


Garden-fresh habanero diced and spread with the mayo on toasted multigrain bread:


Perfectly cooked Wright brand bacon...




Look how big those slices are!!




Big ol handfull of Chili-cheese Fritos....and dinner is served!!



Canned crab is just fine as many folks have difficulty finding it. The only bad crab is NO crab. Crab poppers and mac & cheese for the WIN!

Thanks! You can find "fresh" crab here but I use the term "fresh" loosely. You could probably tell from the quotation marks.

Looks pretty good, but not a fan of crab, sorry.

Hey, if you says it looks good and you're not into crab then I'll still take that as a compliment, thank you. :lol:

Big fan of crab, big fan of poppers, big fan of beer, and now big fan of yours! WIN Pyro-Pod!

Lookin' good, Pyro!

Big-ol-plate of drunken goodness!!

Wish you all could've tried some. We still had some stuffing left over for last night's dinner. We just put it in some little creme brulee dishes and cooked the hell out of it. It was even better under high heat. Man, i highly recommend that recipe above for the stuffing.


:lol: I'm not crazy about half of the ingredients you put on that thing but it still looks pretty tasty!