• General food and cooking questions, discussion, and recipes. To blog your food or to create (or post in) a community food thread, please post in Post Your Eats!

food The Drunken Chef

lol. Although photographic evidence of me is rarer than that of The Abonimble Snowman, he can track my whereabouts in Chicago, making you the more likely culprit!
So what you're saying is that Wheebz needs to be sure to bring his camera to Chicago, and the two of you need to get together and show everyone here what a real TD/DC mess-o'-grub looks like..... we'll be looking for those pics!
Jay 'n Paul at Wheebz's house doin' some drunken cheffin while he's outta town.

The claivoyant in me is seeing something...

I can see a beer fountain, a 3 foot pyramid made of wings and all the cutlery is made from bacon...:lol:
A pyramid of wings! Now that is an idea. Don't forget the crab and lobster though. Paul doesn't cook without it. He does have quite a stash of microbrews and homebrews for us to enjoy too.
Hey Paul, you said to me a little bit ago that you would post some food if I did. Well, you better get cookin! I'll give you some hints, bacon, chorizo cheese dip, jalapenos, booze, Nova's Douglah powder. Pics coming soon.
Here you go all of you lovers of booze and food porn. This culinary masterpiece was inspired by a trip I took to Las Vegas last year. It is bacon wrapped poppers filled with a choizo cheese dip that was spiked with some of AJ's magical puree and then for a finishing touch I sprinkled some of Nova's Douglah powder on for good measure. Enjoy.






Oh yeah and the drink is a dirty martini.

Final pick to come.
fail Jay

no pics of alcohol

and way to basically remake the poppers I made 2 days ago

only difference is I used jalapenos AND HABANERO'S cause I am a real man

and Pi, you bet your ass i will come visit you when I am in chicago, hell ill be there for 2 months almost
Wheebz EPIC FAIL. First of all, booze is in pic #1. Dirty martini.
Fail number two is that these are not the same as your poppers as this is not some shredded cheese stuffed peppers. This is chorizo cheese dip with AJ's Scorpion Puree. If you don't know the difference then I have failed in my teachings.
Fail number three is NEVER question a popper overlord. Now drop and give me twenty.

Epic fail

First of all, as per the coloration of pic 1, the drink in question is not a "dirty Martini", as a dirty martini is classified as Gin with olive juice, and were originally served without ice in a Martini Glass

Second of all, I used no shredded cheese in my poppers, it was pepperjack that was pre-melted by myself, and cream cheese, the same ingredients minus milk/cream that you would have in a cheese "dip"

third, ok I cant argue with the popper overlord, cause yea you still have made the best popper i have tasted to date, but learning from what you did, mine werent too far off, yet unfortunately still inferior

The words "popper" and "fail" should never be present in the same paragraph! Jay....those look incredible!! I will get off my ass and get to the grocery store this morning!!

.....now I just have to decide what to prepare........MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Epic fail

First of all, as per the coloration of pic 1, the drink in question is not a "dirty Martini", as a dirty martini is classified as Gin with olive juice, and were originally served without ice in a Martini Glass

Second of all, I used no shredded cheese in my poppers, it was pepperjack that was pre-melted by myself, and cream cheese, the same ingredients minus milk/cream that you would have in a cheese "dip"

third, ok I cant argue with the popper overlord, cause yea you still have made the best popper i have tasted to date, but learning from what you did, mine werent too far off, yet unfortunately still inferior

Wheebz...I'm sorry but I must side with my fellow Popper Overlord. Firstly, dirty martini can be gin OR vodka. What makes it "dirty" is the olive brine juice. Therefore...FAIL!

Secondly..."pre=melted" cheese? That is some sort of SUPER FAIL in itself and also the use of cream cheese is for noobs and suckah's which garners an additional FAIL. Final score...

FAIL 3 - Wheebz 0
well when I mean pre-melted, I meant I took a block of pepperjack, cubed it, and melted it in the microwave and poured it into the stuffing, I didnt shred it

i dont mean I bought pre-melted cheese at the store haha

and originally, martini's were classified by the use of Gin, it wasnt until after prohibition that Vodka was used as a substitute

Nowadays, martinis can be made with anything
Graphic pictures of full frontal food porn
Detailed information about cocktails
Drunk people in charge of dangerous cooking implements
Epic failing all over the place
and... Chilli peppers

This thread has everything !


It most certainly does.

I think I'm going try my hand at carnitas tonight. :woohoo:

EDIT: This looks like more of a weekend deal to me. I'll do'em this Friday.

I'm thinking sammiches tonight.......