Made some of my signature "piernas del fuego"...chicken legs marinated in a mix of Louisiana Hot wing sauce, Bella Diavolo (bhut sauce <not an extract sauce>), and Turkey Mountain pepper sauce, which is a local, bad ass sauce that's thick, grainy, seedy, flakey, and just awesome. I mop on the left over marinade as the legs cook. Also made a BBQ chicken-titty for my wife, and I didn't get pics of the hot-brats, and hot dogs that went on at the end...oh well.
Also decided to smoke out most of my stash of savinas, bhuts, and a couple of retarded habi's. I'll finish drying them out in a bag of rice.
Closeup of the hot stuff:
I cut habs, savinas, bhuts...all the time with no gloves. Never had a problem. However...when it's 110 outside, and the pores are opened up...well...S H I T.
5 hours later...tending the fire, moved the chiles...lookin good!
That's genuine $10 vodka and Diet Dr. Pepper, homie.