food The Drunken Chef

Freakin' awesome, TB - QUESO! QUESO! QUESO!

I will TRY to give you some warning before showing up at your doorstep one day, but don't count on it!

Haven't seen you post a bud light in a while. I think it helps you make your finest dishes!!!

Congrats to you, and the bud light!!!
Much obliged ya'll. I had an asiago cheese bagel I was going to toss on some scrammies and queso. Couldn't wait and skipped the scrammies and just drowned it in queso. Biscuits and gravy never tasted so good.
Great idea with the Fritos and a spoon. That's my kinda eatin'!
I will have to try your queso recip, that just looks too good.
Nice work TB!
Good Evening to al my fellow DC'er I hope you have your drunk on in fine fashion tonight as RocketLady as requested fine dining for this evening. And so I present for your Monitor Licking pleasure.
RocketMan's Mediterranean Pork Chops which will be accompanied tonight by Broccoli with Almonds and Hot Peppers and a Toasted Quinoa Pilaf.

I now present the players in tonight’s production:

As this is a production in the making further posts will come as preparations proceed.

Bon Appétit Y'all,

Edit: SoFlo, this might make South Beach jealous but really is more in the stylings of Sonoma Valley.
Part Doux Toasted Quinoa Pilaf

Sauté 6 cloves of garlic an a small onion

Add Quinoa and continue for another 5 minutes till golden brown.

Stat tuned
Chops in at 425 for 10 minutes then reduce ton350 for another 25 minutes


1 1/2 Tbs fresh Thyme and 1 Bay Leaf go in

And 3 cups of Chicken Stock

On deck and ready tonget going are 4 cups of fresh Broccoli Floretts

Are ya getting hungry yet?
Heat pan to Medimum heat. Twice around with EVOO and add Broccoli and 4 cloves chopped garlic.


Cook 5 to 8 minutes till crisp tender. Mean while juice 1 lemon

When done add 1 Tbs Lemon juice

And 1/4 cup Sliced Almonds

Edit: and Hot Pepper Flakes

And reduce heat till done.
Dice fire roasted peppers

When Quinoua is done remove the Bay leaf and add roasted peppers

Reduce heat on everything and wait till chops are done.

Next shot the plate. :)
Yummers, this was a great end the Weekend.




If you have never sauted Broccoli in Olive Oil you have to try it. It is awesome and just Damn Good Eats!

<Key Good Eats Outro music here>

Ok I take back "hold the Almonds". Do you have a pic of a piece of that Pork on a fork?
That looks sooooo good, what a perfect Sunday dinner.
Looks delish Rman.

Quinoa....I've never heard of that. It looks a little like it from the same family?