food The Drunken Chef

Just to be fair. Here's the pics of me after eating a Scorpion.



im hoping the combination of Mylanta, Zantac 150, Pepto, and Milk of Magnesia thats brewing in my stomach along with 2 trinny scorps, 2 fataliis, and 2 red savinas, and 2 habanero's will do just fine

If you ate that many you better remember to bring one thing. A good supply of body bags.
My lack of entries in this thread lately is shameful.....

...I think I just got discouraged.

Nothing to be discouraged by, life ebbs and flows. Some times you're here, sometimes it's tomorrow.
X O X O, always a dance you learn as you go~
I am a third shifter and a week of 12 hour days is a good reason to drink but not a good story. Friday morning I will be sober though since I will be getting off at 7am and going back in at 3pm for 8 more hours. Blah Blah Blah told you not interesting.
To satisfy the need for pics, here are some apple/cheery smoked Red Fatalii's I smoked(first time smoking) about a month ago while half tuned.


100 proof peppermint schnapps in the tumbler to the right.
Samuel Adams Octoberfest may be the Beer of the evening but I'm feeling like something Italian. But then again, I'm also jonesing for some bacon and eggs so........
Y'all must know what that means. It's time for

RocketMans Spaghetti Carbonara

First we brown uP the Pancchtta

Combine 4 whole eggs with 2 Tbs Milk

Get 5 Cloves of Garlic out and combine 1/2 cup of Parmisean Cheese and some Parsley ready

Using Linguini tonight and when it's done pour into a colander and rinse then add 3 Tbs EVOO and the garlic to the pot and bring to med heat.

Temper the egg mix with some of the pasta water before pouring it out

Add pasta to Olive Oil and garlic and mix to coat paste

Then add egg mil and mix well

Add Panchetta cheese and parsley and
