food The Drunken Chef

G uses an old shower cap for 1/2 dranken bottles of beer.

Ever had beer bread? yum. there used to be a place at Pike Place Market that sold little take home bags of "bread mix" that you added your favorite beer to, mix it up and bake. Best bread I've ever had... to date.
So, cupcakes make sense, with more sweet. yum
You know, you guys should be really, really glad I don't post everything that comes to my mind when I read your posts...... :whistle:
Pics tell the story- Ahi Steaks with smoked hab sauce and Red Beans and Rice


Sorry, geeme-



HB&R SL. Been awhile but I've used a Mahatma brand of rice and beans very similar to the Vigo. Good stuff. Great compliment to cheapass wine and tuna steak. That tuna is begging to be slapped on a taco with the beans and rice.
AJ- I haven't cooked something like that. I'd guess 1 tsp or less.

If you want to make 2 heats or 1/2 with powder and 1/2 without, cut a piece of cardboard that will fit vertically in your baking pan, wrap it in plastic wrap or wax paper. Pour 1/2 the batter into one side of the pan, use the divider to hold it back in 1/2 the pan. Add powder to the other 1/2 of the batter and pour it into the other side of the pan. Remove the cardboard divider and bake as usual. Might need your lovely to help hold it back while mixing up the other half. Remember to put a toothpick in one side so you know which side is which. ;)

thanks, JayT and TB, they got a little over done but still delish. Tacos would have been the bomb! And I did put a couple drops in my b&r, none on hubby's plate.
you are so goooooood SL...perfect Idea...ty
Hmmm.... how did I miss this thread for the last few days??? Some fine-looking stuff going on here!

AJ - I'm trying to wrap my mind around your not making sweets with heat before.... really??? :eek: Wow...... so good..... so good.....

What the hey is going on with the peeps in DC?

Who are we? Myers Briggs Test

Get drunk and post your findings.


(I'll bet a half- drunken beer topped with cling-wrap that Geeme is too.)
Close, but no banana - ENTJ.

Oh, one more thing, AJ - We make that brand of brownies when we make boxed brownies, tho usually get the Dark Chocolate kind. Regardless, try using olive oil instead of veggie or canola - it will bring the flavor to a new height!
Edit - And yes, we put pepper powders into it, too, but we never measure - just eyeball it as it's shaken on.