close, but no banana - ENTJ.
ok, I get it, didn't know what that myers test thingy was. I fify'd sumbit's post to ITJ = "In The Jar"

close, but no banana - ENTJ.
INTJ same as Sum. So far we have Field-marshals and Masterminds 2 for 2?
I think that stands for "I Need The Jar".
LOL - I've never been a screamer, and completely don't get that. You'd probably call me a backup singer ~~~~ as if I could be heard from the nose-bleed section!So Gemme, you're that girl we can hear screaming!
Ann that could very well be the absolute best DC post. Booze, grillin', vinyl, and antacid. Have mercy!! For we are truly not worthy!
I disagree TB. Sicman is right up our alley. I know we have to help him along in the culinary department, but he's got spirit. And he's a drunk. He has a bright future as a DC. I mean check out that shirt! And the brewers beard. Wait is that you Wheebz?