food The Drunken Chef

well, I answered as if I were an anti-social introvert with no ambition and didn't care about anyone else, and then I closed it before writing down what letters I was. :lol:

INTJ same as Sum. So far we have Field-marshals and Masterminds 2 for 2?
I think that stands for "I Need The Jar".

fify~ ;)

got some drunken cheffery goin' on in the SalsaHousehold tonight!

Dinner with Jimmy, Frankie, Billie, Steve and Lowell-

burgers (burgers are burgers, don't need prep pics for that....and Yes, Scovie, with capers!) and hashbrowns in the CI


the OTHER platter (Merry Christmas, Hunny!)




F......E.....A......T........! For dessert, we're going to eat a peach.
N I C E SL! The great burger caper. Look at that little burger in SalsaDude's big ol paws!

So Gemme, you're that girl we can hear screaming!
Ann that could very well be the absolute best DC post. Booze, grillin', vinyl, and antacid. Have mercy!! For we are truly not worthy!

well, that is the overstatement of the century. I am honored to be able to post my humble DC attempts.

It is a standing that we have the vinyl spinning again....any DC's who show up in our quadrant of WA are invited to be serenaded by Frankie, Etta and Billie.,,,,with a little Dixie Chicken thrown in for good measure.

It's been a long time since we've had good vinyl and the first one on the spinner was Frankie. Frank Sinatra, an album that was purchased in Wales in ~1961-62, made the journey over the pond, survived NUMEROUS moves, and when it hit the spindle tonight......oooohhhhh, that was NICE! No hissing, scratches, popping...
I disagree TB. Sicman is right up our alley. I know we have to help him along in the culinary department, but he's got spirit. And he's a drunk. He has a bright future as a DC. I mean check out that shirt! And the brewers beard. Wait is that you Wheebz?
I disagree TB. Sicman is right up our alley. I know we have to help him along in the culinary department, but he's got spirit. And he's a drunk. He has a bright future as a DC. I mean check out that shirt! And the brewers beard. Wait is that you Wheebz?

I'll cut teh man a break this time but we don't want to open DC up wide open to microwave cup-o-soup heathens. Or maybe we should but penalized them by mandatory liquor cabinet pics...nah...that never works either...

Lemme' think about it...maybe a poll is necessary.
I posted microwave nachos one time. Isn't that right up there with microwave hot dogs?

My liquor cabinet is pathetic, but the cardboard recycle bin tells quite a story. ;)
Who knows,, maybe he was going to put queso on teh frozen pie? ;) I say we wait and see, but Sicman you're on notice. We're watchin' you Norton.

I'll bet your recycle bin is nothing like what I witnessed in TB's garage! And leave the microwave hot dogs alone. TB and I have an understanding. I don't post them here and he leaves me alone. HOWEVER, they are a superfood.
I'm laughing my ass off sicman! that's some funny S.....t right there!!!!! Almost lost my swallow of beer thru my nose. I like it.