food The Drunken Chef

im so pissed,i know this isnt the rant page but i want you guys to know,gabriel growers are a bunch of low;down shady cut throat idea stealing business.they havent ever heard of super hots,pumped me for info for 2 months and stole 500 trinadads from me,and i had to fight for 2 days and pay for the plants that i did get.
Sorry sicman, sounds like a new definition of "extract".

Hells yeah FD4, I don't want to wait for the lottery tho... I've always wanted to check out Flo. we have friends that live in Boynton Beach, and they've been buggin us to come down, hmmmm....

I'm fixin to revive The Hungover Chef...

Part 3


Smoked pork, Collard Greens, Black Eyed Peas, Cornbread and a good beer. Life's good!

that looks really good im hungry,, im going to make a pepper stuffed burger tonight! i want something that fucts my whole morning up! :drunk:
AND some fine grubbage too. Not just drunk talk. I have my traditional pork and sauerkraut working. Here's what it looked like before:


That's the pork and apples simple salt and pepper on the pork. I then added homemade (not by me) sauerkraut to fill the croc. I seasoned that with s&p, caraway seeds, dill, and crushed red pepper flakes. Been going since 10am. Smellin' good in here. I have to let it go another couple hours and make some mashed then I'll show you the finished product.
Double whopper, cheese, bacon, large size, root beer

and I might just crack open my bottle of Tactical Nuclear Penguin, just because