food The Drunken Chef

Black Betty, beef, hot hungarian paprika, garlic, onion. Good goulash base so far but I might add it some Rotell toms to Texify it.



Much obliged SD. Another hour 'til I crack my first hosky. Whooped up the mac last night for mrs. blues and had heaps left. I'll probably post pics manana as I won't mao until at least 10 beers deep sometime during the Cowboys game.
Holey Fucow!Looks like I missed out on alot 'O fun last night.All the food looks delish.Do I need to get a fancy new phone so I can follow the mahem here better?
Drunken chef record breaking few days!!

That paprika beef looks great! Can't wait to see how it rolls!

Damn RM, you rock. That looked like a Publix (the grocery store in the southeast) commercial!

Bear didn't wake up today.
He's actually still asleep, might be down for the winter.
But we did get a good pic of Sum t-bagging him while he was snoring.
...well, it was a good pic, except for the part of the pic that contains Sum's balls.
MY dinner

It consisted of spaghetti with a nice tomato, mince beef and ground Bhut Jolokia sauce. Then to top it off there is some fired diced bacon and some meat balls.
THB it really doesn’t look that fantastic in this pic and it didn’t look much better in real life, I usually don’t worry too much about how food looks and try and make it taste good. Anyway I started eating it and dam it was good. About halfway through I decides it needed some more heat so I sprinkled some red savina powder over it and then realised that i forgot the cheese (by this time I had downed the big ass Magners and the yellow cup full of Bacardi and coke), added some cheese and got another drink, my mouth was on fire but dam it tasted good.

its just store bought chocolate cake with strore bought ice-cream. then i got thinking "What would go with chock cake and ice-cream?", the answer choc bhut powder of course, so on it went. didnt end up too bad actually.
Oh yeah! That is awesome. It looks so thick and rich. Definitely not diet food. :lol: Love it.

Last night, I realized that a New Year's Day tradition that everyone around here where I live does, is not something done elsewhere. I guess pork and sauerkraut for New Year's Day is a PA Dutch tradition. It is said that if you eat this meal you will have good luck for the year. I don't know about that, but is sure tastes good.

Pork loin seasoned with salt and pepper. Topped with sliced apples.


Covered with sauerkraut that is seasoned with s&p caraway seeds, dill, and crushed red pepper flakes. Then cooked all day in the crockpot until the pork falls apart.


Served over mashed potatoes.

