food The Drunken Chef


It's hard to stop.
It endlessly flows.
Like Sum when he gets drunk and starts rapping.
I like big blunts and i cannot lie,
You Soflo sistahs cant deny,
When Jt walks in with that round thing in yo face, you get buns!
You could fry that thing or bake it,
But please dont try to front,
You better clear yourself from that microwave door,
Before i roundhouse kick yo face!

F&$k it im drinking...
That is pure poetry right there SD. I'm lovin' it. Where are the pics of the debauchery? Specifically, the possum and potato gun? I am starting out with a LuckyDog Smoked Habanero sauce marinated chicken with jalapeno and jack cheese quesadilla. And a little tequila to wash it down. I will take pics.
I hate to say this, but more pics didnt happen.
The good news is that the 3 of us polished off an entire keg of PBR that we got late Saturday.
The bad news is that we didn't really tend to the brisket, and while it was good and tender, it was kind of dry.
Unlike us. We were (are) sauced.

So there were 2 opossums climbing one of my trees, and we were having chiki time with SD and CJ.
5-O started throwing rubber balls and children's tricycles at the vermin.
I demanded that he stopped. I have something more powerful.
I got my small caliber spud launcher out and 3 red potatoes.
We blasted that bastard 3 times. Sum held the barrel, I sprayed the propellant, and 5-O worked the ignition.
("working the ignition" comes naturally to him).
We hit him 3 times square and waited for him to fall out of the tree. He didn't. We gave him a good 15 minutes, and watched him slowly decline.
We went back to the kitchen to get more ammo, and when we returned he was gone.
Needless to say, the opossum problem in my neighborhood is no more.

And Sum's been sleeping in a pop up camper in my front yard. Like a boss!

True Story
The lack of pics. The keg lead a good life. I'm actually more sad that there are no pics of the potato gun masacre.
I was at my favorite local butcher shop today (OK, so it's the ONLY local butcher shop, but it's still a pretty awesome butcher shop :lol: ) picking up supplies for the TD, and they had some fresh made Thai Chicken Sausages! COOL! Dinner was decided right then and there-




Decided to cook it as just regular sausage instead of a link, wok-a, wok-a, wok-a!

ingredients, just because they are so purdy~

meat, veggies, garlic, shallot, the Tikka Masala, and some additional chicken broth to stretch it all out and make it more saucy-


This has been part 1 of 2 of this geeme-friendly meal. Part 2 will commence when the 'Dude gets home~
Is that a CI wok????

why YES, .... yes it is~~~~

see below~

part 1 was done early and the Kid ate dinner when he got off the bus~

Part2- later dinner for the 'Dude. He's working 4-5 10's, and we've been gone. Poor guy's been eating potpies and all kinds of grubbage.

Time for some good home cookin'.






there's more sauce than there looks like in the pics. I used the jar of Tikka Masala and added broth to sauce it out to cover the FRESH veggies and noodles. Improv on the fly~

that's the S>O>P> round here~
thanks, MMojo-

No processed hydrolized, canibalized starch, broth-injected stuff tonight. After eating airline and convention foods for a week, it's WONDERFUL!
[sub]Thanks, LunchBox, and that's great to hear about LunchLady (that's funny, luckydog~ ;) ). Sounds like she likes the heat like you do. [/sub]