food The Drunken Chef

Yep I concur. I am a real believer in the Thai sweet chili crema. Even though that is NOT Mae Ploy you're using there. Nice work even so. I was hoping to see the rest of the story.
Drunken leftovers are smoked sausage and hab mustard........ and Peak Organic beer.


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Beer.... sausage.... mustard.... really can't be beat. Simple, good.
JayT said:
Yep I concur. I am a real believer in the Thai sweet chili crema. Even though that is NOT Mae Ploy you're using there. Nice work even so. I was hoping to see the rest of the story.

I knew that would get a FAIL from you Jay...I ran out of mae ploy and couldn't get to it today. Only a couple joints carry it here in LV and I didn't have time to get there.

I have prawns, salmon and scallops on deck....piccys tomorrow...
mrs.blues said:
geez... no point in taking pic's! It didn't last on the plate that long! so apparently THAT cat is out of the bag (i'm no freakin' lady) eh? at least I sat down before shoveling it in my face! :D it actually took a bit longer than 4.3 seconds to devour, but it is probably one of my most favorite of TB's creations (right behind Filet and King Crab)! I could literally take a bath in that sauce! Kudo's honey!

What are you wearin'?
Hey hey hey take the PDA to the member pages like Sickmont and RB! ;)
G'day ya'll. The mojo was rollin' in The Blues Kitchen like smokestack lightnin' last night. I had bay scallops, salmon, and some he-man sized prawns, along with asparagus and shitaki's I didn't use with the crab cakes the other night. The scallops, I tossed right into the thai chile cream sauce that I made earlier for mrs. blues. Simple. Sauteed the asparagus and shroomage and then the salmon and the prawns. Had some leftover hollandaisse so I went with that too..

Here's the get down brown...beginning with the mandatory booze pic...

Wait! I can't find it!! Hear me now, believe me later....booze WAS involved..


Scallops rollin' and tumblin' in creamy love...


Cast iron shot...


Add some foo foo...


I'll be having the leftovers for brekky...I just can't be satisfied!

Cheers ya'll!
oh my gosh tb you are one tallented cook and love the shroomage AH YEAH
i like using dill with salmon mmmm those scollops look tasteeeeeeyyyyy
Damn thats spectacular. Those prawns are bloody huge TB and the shrooms and asparagus top it off good and proper!

Never tried da scallops, what kind of texture do they have?
JayT said:
How about this? The pics aren't too good as I am drunkf. The steak however is phenomenal.


JayT said:
Don't worry I stabbed it when it tried to crawl off the plate. That's how I like 'em. Jack up the heat on th CI, throw the steak in. Let it sizzle for a minute, flip it over and take it out.

Noshownate said:
I think u might have invented Pittsburged J:)

JayT said:

You are from Pennsylvania(at least thats what it says next to your avatar), and Pittsburgh is in PA, any ways. You don't Know what Pittsburged meat is? FRom your description of how you cooked it and from how rare it is in that pic, that is called pittsburged. I'm Not sure how this is confusing. U must be still drunkf. I don't actually think u invented this style of cooking. My comment was kind of a joke and compliment, YOu cooked the meat pittsburged and you live in the same state that that that style supposidly comes from, I was saying you have that cooking style mastered,soo..sorry for the confusion.
TB, you got yourself another absolute WIN!!! That plate, the whole meal looks so fine that I'm tempted to run out to the store and buy those ingredients and have that for dinner.
Very much obliged ya'll. I was sorely tempted to buy a nice fat ribeye for the grill but put that devil behind me. Whereas meat was the dominant food on my plate before, fish and veggies are a much better alternative..not that I have given meat up mind you...I love Stripburger!