
I had some of those shrimp yesterday
they were delicious
Thanks. Well, Mrs. JayT demands something besides bbq for dinner so tonight it is Rockfish with a sweet chile cream sauce over rice.
He's all fixed. Online anyway!How come all your posts appear over on the left Paul? You let the boss know?
Hey guys. Had the urge to make another pie after the throwdown. Went to the store lookin for the makins for a chicken one, but lamb was cheaper and I said eff it, I'll make another one kinda like the entry I did. Did it chunkier rather than minced. And was tippin a few back when cookin', but didn't get the obligatory booze shots in.
really blurry, wanted to eat
Kinda photos better, but I liked my first one better. Back to the drawing board on pie I'm thinkin'...
JayT- sweet BBQ pics, and nice fish plate! Wish my wife would request/like fish.
Pie looks great Boutros!! pie has taken over!!
Wheres your pie JT and TB? i'm expecting to see some drunken pie on here aSap!
How come all your posts appear over on the left Paul? You let the boss know?