food The Drunken Chef

Hot Damn!!! I am stuffed to the gill from my feast that i just scarfed down, but that looks incredible and is making me hungery all over again.

Oh my.......maybe I DO need a diet other than the one I'm on. This diet that I'm on is eat everything I see diet. I'm out of control. :rolf:
What gives with Paul leaving us hanging for the finial pics. We want to see the finished product.

He'll probably post after dinner, gotta feed the kids!

Yeah you are prob right, gotta feed the pack of wolves :lol:







I'm full.
Looks like the kids liked it, actually it looks like the kid in the green shirt lurvved it long time with all the mess he put down the front of himself. :lol:
it is the battle of the Pauls!!! have to say though... competition is pretty tight.. dunno who the winner would be - i'll take both please!
Everyone still ahve alll of thier fingers and eyes? :lol:

Outside of the random grease splatter stings (a typical fondue occurence) everyone emerged unscathed! :woohoo:

....the kitchen, on the other hand, was destroyed. :shocked:

You'd think a meal that you don't have to COOK would have an easy cleanup.........NAY NAY!!!

And THANK YOU, Mel for the kind words!!
Well I've already planned tonight's festivities (round 3). On deck will be Bratwurst with sautéed onions and peppers along with some atomic home-fries. But in the meantime, I got to traipse through Amish country. Who knows, maybe I'll find a cool ingredient or two to use for tonight's meal.
Well I've already planned tonight's festivities (round 3). On deck will be Bratwurst with sautéed onions and peppers along with some atomic home-fries. But in the meantime, I got to traipse through Amish country. Who knows, maybe I'll find a cool ingredient or two to use for tonight's meal.

SWEET!!!---Looking forward to the debauchery!

We have a rather large Amish population here in rural KY....they're super friendly, but you have to watch out for their carriges!
It's not the carriages, it's the crap....

There was one thing I particularly liked about going to Amish-land: getting bulk spices for a good price.