food The Drunken Chef

Grilling some steak, beef franks, also some German Potato salad, Yellow Corn on the cob. Also trying to finish off the growler of Ithaca Hop Stash. Topping the steak with some Joe Perry's Mango Tango Peach Hot Sauce.

There's a good chance I'll be entirely too unsober to remember
to post pictures later tonight so here's a teaser. We're making
two spice-rubbed crusty pork tenderloins. Each roast was rubbed
with a mixture of finely chopped garlic, ginger and habanero pep-
per, curry, garam masala, chili and tumeric powders, salt and
pepper, lime juice, olive oil and chopped cilantro leaves.

If I do end up cooking this tonight, I'll then mix flour, curry pow-
der and chili powder and dredge the tenderloin before frying
it in oil to brown all sides. It will then go into the oven at 400
degrees F for 30 minutes before resting for 15 minutes. It
will be sliced and placed atop sauteed spinach leaves and red

The pan will be deglazed with red wine, reduced and have butter
added. I could make a roux using some of the remaining flour mix-
ture but that may be too much work at the rate I'm already drink-
ing. The pan sauce will nonetheless be drizzled over the top of
the pieces of tenderloin.


I'll either make that or some porterhouse steaks that have been
marinating in olive oil, freshly-squeezed garlic and habanero
slices. One of these dishes will have to wait until tomorrow

Bear's coming over. Gotta make some stuffed poblanos. He's been pestering me for months about these.

If he doesn't show up with an 18 pack of light beer I'm gonna punch him in the nuzzles.


The bear?????????
I told that fool not to come aroun' hea' no mo'!!!
Gotta put on my big-boy panties if the bear's gonna show.

Bear's coming over. Gotta make some stuffed poblanos. He's been pestering me for months about these.
If he doesn't show up with an 18 pack of light beer I'm gonna punch him in the nuzzles.
I think I smell a conspiracy.... or at least a lot of drunken tomfoolery!
Bear's cool. He may drink like a fish, but he's also a light weight.

There'll be two of those tall boys left when he decides to bounce.

If he ends up passed out in a gutter on South Beach.... no surprise... not the first time.

Two more beers for us. Win-Win
Homeboy's got mad skills in the kitchen!!!!

I think he might have grabbed my wife's mangos though...hmmm.


I see that he only comes around when I'm not down visiting. He's still scared of me because the last time I visited, he stole my beer and got his bear ass whipped. I won't hesitate to hit a bear if he is actin' up.
Ok this isn't fair.

I'm a newbies here and I've spent all day glued to the freeking TD waiting for pictures and updates.....everyone is having fun except me!!!

So what the heck, I decided to have my own TD with just myself to challenge :crazy:

Anyway, I took some inspiration from the Cajun challenge that's going on. I've never been to Cajun and I've no idea where it is or how to cook it, so I figured I'd just make sh*t up.

Also, a few nights ago I was browsing through an old 'Hot Dog' TD where the boss shoved some dogs up a drainpipe, and that gave me some ideas.

So here goes...(PS - I'm kinda hammered right now so hope this makes some sense :beer: )

I decided to make Cajun hotdogs with Lake Michigan Whitefish and chicken enchiladas :crazy:

Everything was made from stuff in the fridge and leftovers in various stages of decomposition...:eek:

So expanding on the dogs up a drainpipe idea I decided to make stuffed hot dogs and deep fry them in apple cider batter....naturally :)

The challenge was getting the holes in the buns. YES....I'm deep frying these with the dogs in the buns.

I made a halapeno cheese sauce and poured it into the holes in the buns then later, inserted the dogs....they slipped in nicely.


Here I'm pouring the cheese in the dogs and drinkin Cripsin cider
I created the holes in the buns by first inserting a wooden skewer, then the whisk thing of the electric whisker, then a wooden spoon of about the same diameter as a dog :dance:


Those are cute.....dogs inserted in buns full of habanero cheese wizz...I then placed them in the freezer for 20 minutes or so....this was really important....I wanted the buns to be firm so I could run them through the batter OK, and I wanted the cheese sauce to be cold so it wouldn't separate during deep frying....:cool:


Now I'm making what I understand to be called a 'roux'. It's my own interpretation.....onion, celery, poblano, habanero....sauteed then added flour and cooked till a bit darker, then milk, andouille sausage, hot paprike, chile powder and green onions, garlic and other stuff.....


I also made some enchiladas from left over grilled chicken, hot peppers, lemon basmati rice, cilantro and some other stuff....


Now I'm prepping Lake Michigan whitefish....Cajun style.....lots of hot spices and some drops of hot powder from a little pouch that I keep purty private...drinking vodka orange at this stage....

Finished up the wifes special vodka, neat on the rocks....the roux thing darkening nicely in the background....

Added a special home made chipotle and habanero sauce, which really kicks up the heat and flavor...yummy...

Making the batter now for the hot dogs....used Crispin cider, Louisiana hot sauce and some special habanero powder...

Dogs come out of freezer, batter at the ready...


More coming up in a minute..... we go again

Got the oil up to 350 and deep frying the hot dogs!!!!!! - you wouldn't believe the freakin awesomeness....


After the dogs are fried, I added them to a baking sheet with the enchiladas and smothered them in leftover habanaro cheese can see the cheese sauce on the enchiladas but I haven't put it on the dogs yet....Then they go under the broiler for a couple minutes till the cheese sauce browns and crisp up a bit....

Didn't show all the pictures of the cajun fried fish cooking then adding it into the roux base, but you can see the final plating here. It's absolutely amazing....the big thing at the front is the deep fried hotdog with habanero cheese sauce....the smaller thing is the enchilada....then the cajun style whitefish plated with the roux over lemon basmati rice...

two rather larger servings with Pino Grigio..

The deep fried dog cuts open and the habanero cheese just slowly emerges....this was absolutely bloody awesome, even better than I'd imagined. The hot dog bun turned into the flavor and consistency of a donut and the batter was light and crisp....plenty of heat too!!!

Just delicious and plenty can't see that there's a hot dog bun in there, the bread just kinda becomes homogenous with the batter like a corn dog, only softer and tastier....

The dog is cut in half....the cajun whitefish and roux over rice is spicy and deleecious...

More goodness


This was a great dinner.........the hot dog is something gotta try it dudes and dudesses :woohoo:
Usually when I'm invited to dinner I don't raid the liquor cabinet and shotgun their full bottle of SoCo.

Bear runs by a different mantra. It can be summed up with this acronym: AWESOME.

This guy;s an animal!


Bear gave us big-ups for being so gracious with the the booze... and the mean grub.


These stuffed poblanos were the bomb. Bear said it tasted like AWESOME x 10. Thanks Bear... for the pose..


Bear's got a pretty refined palate. He said we made some fine vittels. I'm not gonna argue with him, nor bring up his spelling mistakes.. He might be snuggly, but he's got some sharp claws.

Check it:

Bear... YOU so crazzzzy!