food The Drunken Chef

Ok. whiskey's flowin, and CJ's drinking Rum and Dr. Pepper 10, just like all you SoFlo boys. Prime Rib is comin, after the whiskey bath starts to take effect.

OH, somebody give me a Hell Yeah! RocketMan's Dragons Blood Smore. Beyond good!


38 hahaha, i wonder what the poor people in Pennsylvania are doing

tonight will be a warm 67 degrees

and we are going out to Siesta Key, beach party, sluts and beers, should be a good time

ohh shit

page 420

how fitting I have this awesome brownie in the fridge thats gonna make this an even better night
It's down to 24º right now (4:50). So sir wheebz, enjoy the night. I'll stay warm w. my whiskey and BBQ.

where da hell dat bear at?
Ok part one, prepare the marinade. One bottle of Dragons Blood and 1/2 cup of good Bourbon

Add 2 bottles Bells Porter

Mix well reserving 2 cups marinade and pour the rest over the pork loin.

8 pounds pork loin ready for the fridge

See y'all for part 2 in the morning.
page 420, don't know what's been posted, I just gotta get on this page just on principle.
I'll go back and read in a minute.


OK, whew, got the post in....

Rocketman is burning up that useless telephone/motorhome/cheap cologne again!

Bloody S'mores......You, Sir, have just launched the next great adult dessert!
This is going to get soooo ugly tonight. I know it. I think I need a nap to prepare.


Is it bear season down in Bambi-land? C'Mon man! where da party supplies at?

Ok part one, prepare the marinade. One bottle of Dragons Blood and 1/2 cup of good Bourbon

Add 2 bottles Bells Porter

Mix well reserving 2 cups marinade and pour the rest over the pork loin.

8 pounds pork loin ready for the fridge

See y'all for part 3 in the morning.

Where da part 2 at?
Oh mansies! I just made a smoked beef and slaw sammy that's 'bout ta put me in a food coma. Good thing we have the random firework that sounds like an Iraqi car bomb going off in the driveway.

Bear is so excited about tonight, he peed on my leg a little. I'm pissed, because these are the only pants I have to wear tomorrow.

Sadly, this is not the first time this has happened.

True Story.
Gotta post this real quick.
Bear is on the loose.
Sunofabitch dug a hole under the back fence and is on the run.
The whole town is on a "Fur Alert".
I'll post our drunkennness real quick, then I gotta go start calling him.
He usually comes back if I yell, "Bear, Whiskeydicks!!! Whiskeydicks!!!!"

We made homemade sourdough bread.
Homemade mustard based sauce.
Homemade Slaw.
Homemade smoked beef.

Came out awesome!
SD, the first pic is for your little lady. My little lady takes it the way pictured (among others).



That's a Sum-bite.
If it were a Bear-bite, there wouldn't be anything left.
I wanna hit page 420 too!!!! Now watch, I'll land on 421 - so me!

FD!!!!! That pic warmed the cockles of my heart!!!! Your li'l lady ROCKS!!!!!!

So many yums on this thread tonite...I'm so hungry (and thirsty tooooooo!)
WooHoo!!! This IS gonna be a Great year!!!! So ready...!

teehee...I made Scovie put champagne in his prime rib rub/paste/...whatever it's called.

Aren't most fonts shriveled until we boost 'em?

Ooops, Scovie's baaaack..... Cha Y'all!
Well, I'm glad that's over.
I found him.
We had to set up a perimeter, and we put out some traps.
"Whiskeydick, Whiskeydick" worked the best.
Every time I hollered it, he would let out a little yelp.
The furry beast was hiding in some palm bushes with my lampshade on his head.
I knew he had too much, but we haven't even toasted in the new year yet.
Good thing we got him before the ball dropped (so to speak).
Now he can try to grope Mrs. Frydad's breasts while the rest of us drink champagne.
Bear. That guy!.
Happy New Year, EVERYONE!!!!!
-SoFlo and Bear.