hot stuff said:If we don't do dog for the dog days of summer how about sausages? Homemade.
grantmichaels said:Tube-meat TD?For the super-set win!
grantmichaels said:I have KitchenAid grinding plates already (never used) ... and I would pick up a casing stuffer or whatever if we did one ...
Count me as 'in' ... but would need the notice ...
geeme said:Homemade sausage.... I'd have to give that some serious thought. Does one seriously want to purchase a grinder and stuffer for what would likely be a one-time use? Maybe.....
If you a food processor you can use that to mince the meat and you can use a large funnel to stuff the casings.The Hot Pepper said:
If there are enough people with sausage stuffing attachments and such. Last time people needed enough time to buy such gadgets, but I'd be down. Jay will be back from sausage camp as well with a hankering to stuff his meat. Let's see how popular it is...
Could be veggie too.