contest The Next Throwdown is...

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I'm not one to complain, but sausage? This is an odd one....I feel like sausages, cooked or raw look very very similar. I know whomever can take a better picture usually has the advantage, but this will apply way more than before when taking pictures of a sausage vs a whole composed meal. 
Anyways, complaining aside, does the sausage of the to be the star? One of my favorite dishes with sausage in it is amarillo arroz con pollo with chorizo in it. That doesn't seem to really be the star of the dish but includes sausage. 

Don't know if anyone has had them before, but my favorite overall sausage are laos sausages with sticky rice. That lemongrass taste omfg i could eat those all day everyday. 
BigB said:
I feel like sausages, cooked or raw look very very similar. I know whomever can take a better picture usually has the advantage ...
I think the picture thing is not as much about quality photography and more about effective facsimile ...
The important thing is feeling satisfied/confident that you can draw the necessary conclusions to vote fairly and effectively ...
Can I see the color of the meat to determine it's relative cook (done-ness), and can I see the grain of the meat and it's sheen to determine if it's juicy vs dry? ...
Composition is helpful, but not what's really important ... unless it's a tight one, and then maybe it would help one entry edge out another ...
If your picture answers the questions about the cook, and are a facsimile of the actual food, that's what I'm talking about when I talk about the photos ...
I'd venture to say the picture of the minced meat w/ ingredients is going to go further in communicating a sausage than the final encased photo, so I would think that awesome prep photos are key in this one ...
The sausage does not have to be the star of the dish no, it is already the star by itself in poll 1. ;)
So see, it works in your favor there are 2 polls if you don't want it to be the star. Show us "the star" in poll 1, then in poll 2 do whatever you want. A gumbo with shrimp and sausage, sausage on a pizza, whatever you want.
Poll 1 is all about the process, and I will surely be looking at ingredients and methods as well as pics when I vote. How well did you stuff the sausages? Did they break? Is it juicy? Was it smoked? Cooked in beer? Are there reapers and cheese inside? Is it traditional but executed perfectly and juicy as hell? Plenty of ways the votes can go here.

grantmichaels said:
I'd venture to say the picture of the minced meat w/ ingredients is going to go further in communicating a sausage than the final encased photo, so I would think that awesome prep photos are key in this one ...
The 10 pic allowance in poll 1 was to allow more of what people usually post as prep pics but are usually awesome. So think of poll 1 as a bonus and you are just voting on what people usually post before their final post. But in this case it is presented cooked by itself.

Who had the best sausage?
Who had the best dish?
2 Crowns.
Simple really. And this way we get to judge the sausage w/o trying to see what is looks like smothered in sauce.
I know, I quoted that and explained more for BigB. :D
BigB sounds like you have a plan, let's see whatcha got. 
in a word ... lightbox ...

the classic ... tracing paper and a cardboard box ...

the modernist, frosted tupperware ...

the shooting tent variant ...

the homemaker ...

all signs point to lots of diffuse light and a seamless, infinite floor ...
Mind you I've not taken the time to do this myself, but then again, I'm not complaining about photos being an unfair advantage ...
If I wanted to have excellent photos, that's how one goes about getting it done ...
The only shortcuts are leveraging the golden light (JHP does this regularly, and I suspect Wafflebum too) or an overcast day - the former is 'limiting,' the latter somewhat randomized ...
In other news, I have acquired a shooting tent ...
So, in ~6 mo's or so my pictures will improve, as it seems to take me about 6 months after acquiring something to finally deploy it ... LOL.
My dad was a professional photographer. I could be one, if I cared to. But I spent way too many hours being cheap labor in the darkroom, at weddings, at proms, at portraits, at commercial shoots..... bleh. I'd much rather draw, paint, make sculpture, etc. So I can appreciate the time and effort that goes into taking pics and getting them "just right." But your professional-quality pic isn't going to mean a hill of beans to me when it comes to a TD. Show me that you put thought and creativity into the process, a killer combo of ingredients, and the right cooking method for the chosen dish, and that will get my vote even if the pic is a tad fuzzy or not framed well. I'd rather you spend your time and effort on making the food be something I really want to eat - even sans any pictures - than on making "perfect" pictures.
I would have agreed for most of the time I've been a user here, but the smartphone algo's have gotten so good that the devices themselves have raised the bar and now cameraphone pics in decent light are quite decent ... anyways, to the point, which is that the races have all been tight in recent 2-3 months, and better photos may very well be the difference now. in my opinion, of course ...
So Booma and I have been talking and we have decided to add a little spicy incentive for  the next Throwdown.  
Pookie is running two polls this time. Being Australian and famous for our 'snags on the barbie' (no Grant, not that barbie) we of course are putting up the prize for 'the best sausage' poll.  
So the following is on the table for best sausage TD, a great selection of Byron Bay Chilli Co and The Hippy Seed Company sauces.  
Open to all members all countries.  
Get grinding!! 
Heavenly Habanero
Smokin Mango
Cayenne Chilli
Spicy sweet
Hydra Venom
Turkey Slap Yellow 7
Naga Sav BBQ 
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grantmichaels said:
So, in ~6 mo's or so my pictures will improve, as it seems to take me about 6 months after acquiring something to finally deploy it ... LOL.
Not me. I'm the opposite. Everything I buy I need to try immediately. If I get 6 sauces in the mail, I open them all at once and try them one after another. Same goes with tools, fishing lures, guns, beer, whatever... I'm like a kid on Christmas morning. Lol
Not me. I'm the opposite. Everything I buy I need to try immediately. If I get 6 sauces in the mail, I open them all at once and try them one after another. Same goes with tools, fishing lures, guns, beer, whatever... I'm like a kid on Christmas morning. Lol

You are doing life better that way, I'm sure of it.
Bumper said:
So Booma and I have been talking and we have decided to add a little spicy incentive for  the next Throwdown.  
Pookie is running two polls this time. Being Australian and famous for our 'snags on the barbie' (no Grant, not that barbie) we of course are putting up the prize for 'the best sausage' poll.  
So the following is on the table for best sausage TD, a great selection of Byron Bay Chilli Co and The Hippy Seed Company sauces.  
Open to all members all countries.  
Get grinding!! 
Heavenly Habanero
Smokin Mango
Cayenne Chilli
Spicy sweet
Hydra Venom
Turkey Slap Yellow 7
Naga Sav BBQ 
Awesome! You guys rock! I sure wish I could do this one!
So Booma and I have been talking and we have decided to add a little spicy incentive for  the next Throwdown.  
Pookie is running two polls this time. Being Australian and famous for our 'snags on the barbie' (no Grant, not that barbie) we of course are putting up the prize for 'the best sausage' poll.  
So the following is on the table for best sausage TD, a great selection of Byron Bay Chilli Co and The Hippy Seed Company sauces.  
Open to all members all countries.  
Get grinding!! 
{style_image_url}/attachicon.gif IMG_0865.JPG

That's fun!

Might have to pull out the shooting tent, LOL.
Hmmm.  I have the same sausage making equipment at home as your local butcher does.  And enough natural hog casing to make 180 M (590 feet).
And I was thinking today on the woods for cold smoking and the temps for perfect pork and beef sausages sous vide then finished over charcoal.
This could be heaps of fun.
I've never made sausages nor do i have any equipment for stuffing. The only thing i have is  my great grandmother's hand crank grinder. Can i still make stuffed sausage or do i need some sort of device? Is stuffing by hand a bad idea? I didn't want to participate in this one, but now there are some amazing looking sauces on the line lol
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