contest The Next Throwdown is...

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I will be swimming in the Masters Summer Nationals starting tomorrow, ending Sunday, so y'all have a great time for this TD. Best wishes to everyone who enters!
geeme said:
I will be swimming in the Masters Summer Nationals starting tomorrow, ending Sunday, so y'all have a great time for this TD. Best wishes to everyone who enters!
I'm impressed. But certainly you can stuff some sausage. :)
I'm going to vacation... And just before to a metal fest lol... No time and also i've never made sausages, here butchers are really good at that lol.
geeme said:
I will be swimming in the Masters Summer Nationals starting tomorrow, ending Sunday, so y'all have a great time for this TD. Best wishes to everyone who enters!
Best wishes to you!!!
grantmichaels said:
Do you know if they usually have casings at a normal grocery store, in case I don't care whether Danielle's pissed?
Some do, yes. Call ahead, though. Mine carries them, but you typically have to go early in the morning as they get bought out quickly. Same with oxtails and some other items.
And no, HS, I can't. I can barely be on here right now as I'm heading to bed in 20 minutes. If I'm not enroute, eating or swimming, I'm sleeping.
But you, sir, will have a great entry, I am sure!
At first I went to one of our local chain grocery stores, and found out that the meat department has their sausage shipped in from a warehouse associated with the store. However, on their advice I went to a restaurant supply-type store who of course didnt have them either. They in turn recommended another restaurant store, but in the process of following up one last idea, I ended up going to my old standby Whole Foods Market. They, of course, were the ones who had what I needed. I managed to tentatively get enough of what I assume is natural salted pork casing for a few pounds of sausage cheap. Hopefully the approach I am taking will work. Originally this was going to be jam packed weekend and I was on the fence about this TD. but I may be able to do something. If not, I'll have at least tried.
Ok, so am I in on this one or not? Most often you require wood/charcoal/gas and I have none of the above, just an outdoor 'lectric grill. Is that ok, or am I going to have to rig it up to use charcoal again if I want to be in on this one? 'Course, I can always grill and chill and just not post anything. . . . .  ;)

That's about my speed these days, anyway!
That would be fine methinks. ;)
I would say using a grill pan indoors though would be too much of a stretch. Let's say outdoor grills. Yours is a grill. There.
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