contest The Next Throwdown is...

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"Usually, unless Mercury is in retrograde or the Boss is grumpy....."
Currently he's stationary. But Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are retrograde...that's messed up. 
It's a real thing. When Mercury goes retrograde (away from earth), the magnetic pull breaks down communication. People have a harder time communicating with each other and electronics get all wonky. Anything electronic like computers, phones and satellite TV  act up and that's usually when they need rebooting more often.
I hate Mercury Retrograde periods. By nature I'm as science-first as D3, but in practice I've noted how often weird shit w/ electronics/computers happens during those periods ...
I've grown to just assume it falls into the Things We Don't Understand (Yet) category ...
Also, when I worked in medicine, the damn full moon effect was real and not imagined ... patients were really 'special' during the full moon.
I've never felt like the full moon effects me, but in dealing with a group of random people during the full moon ... there's something to that, too ...
I'm not aware of canceling surgery schedules for it, but it's definitely a thing ... not all people, but a real percentage of people are wacky during it ...
grantmichaels said:
frydad4 said:
I'm thinking of some of the good-ol-days drunk ass Tots disasters that have been posted on this website. 
Good times. 
grantmichaels said:
Nah ... just wanted to post it somewhere Wheebz would notice it, is all ...

I've got a can of Ackee - and some salt cod - for the TD ;)
salsalady said:
so you're calling out Wheebz....  
The Hot Pepper said:
We tried that with tater tots. He was skerd.
Alright MFers, whatever this next TD is, I am using tots in it. 
Ore Ida 4 lyfe bitches
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