contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Quoting Boss from elsewhere ...
The Hot Pepper said:
If y'all want prizes bring it up in the TD suggestion forum but amazon affiliates ain't gonna help unless you want a ballpoint pen every 6 mos. ;)

Would just need to be figured out well, is all ...

Could be a fun thing to discuss during the pre-TD lead-up ...

People could just offer to drop-ship something to the winner if they wanted to, is all ...

I don't think the site should do it, per se ...

I also don't think it would be a big deal if people heaped some extras on the pile either, though ...

Someone could just say, "I'll send an X to the winner" ...

That would be kind of fun, and all you would have to do it list it at the bottom of the official post when you start the TD ...
Not totally opposed but let me state my case for the record...
They've been going since 2009 for fun, no prizes, and "If it ain't broke don't fix it" could be said.
Any contest with a physical prize usually has some sort of entry fee, raffle, etc. which does not apply here, otherwise usually you receive an accolade which is the case here. I'm sure there are exceptions, but also, we do this monthly.
I don't like the idea of cold-calling sponsors, and that is also time.
If a sponsor drops out that means finding a new one.
If a sponsor fails to send, it looks bad on the TD.
There may be months no sponsor is attached, which means less participation?
I do these alone and cannot add logistics, packing, sending anything, it would have to be drop-shipped as stated.
I am not opposed if there is a way that does not degrade what we already have. There are enough complaints (you know, here and there about pics, or voting, or...) and adding prizes just adds something to complain about; the prize itself, it broke, it was not received, it was not this, that.
This could also bring up more impropriety complaints. "Hey ____ won the box but his spouse voted, how is that fair?" Seems with physical prizes that is more likely.
I don't see it working really, I tend to like it for fun not because I don't like giving out prizes (I enjoy giving members free stuff throughout the year) I just see it as adding more work and potential issues and possibly taking the fun out it, being more cutthroat.
My 2c for now. It could always change. :)
It's open for discussion I am not opposed but I don't think I ever stated my case.

If someone wants to help as some sort of assistant making sure the sponsorships are in order or something like that, I dunno, maybe?
The Hot Pepper said:
It's open for discussion I am not opposed but I don't think I ever stated my case.

If someone wants to help as some sort of assistant making sure the sponsorships are in order or something like that, I dunno, maybe?
My experience is that people are easy going about free things. I agree with the stuff you said, if there was an entry fee.
If it's just people coming along pre-contest saying "I'll send a bottle of my hot sauce to the winner," then that will be documented in the lead up, and I don't really think it would be a reflection of the site if an individual failed to produce - but rather, a reflection of the member ...
Hmm, I have an idea maybe...
Hmm. Maybe I PM u later. (Don't worry not asking you to be an assistant lol).
grantmichaels said:
So glad I could lob that up (at your request) so that you could smash it ... LOL.
I'm on tons of coffee and beer combo reading my posts back reflects this...

I got love for the bum, the bum ain't got no love for the thp...
Will brainstorm this prize idea for a bit, maybe PM some TD regulars on it as a group message tomorrow or so. For now :cheers:

dragonsfire said:
August throwdown is Mexican ?
Indeed! Free taco to winner.
Oh crap.  I started this.  What I was thinking was maybe if there were members who were saucemakers, maybe there could be a monthly sponsor that could put up a prize for the winner, as little as a bottle or two of sauce for having their name attached to it for a month.  Seems like good marketing to me and might increase entries.
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