contest The Next Throwdown is...

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grantmichaels said:
Good job on that 4 ft drift, grass grew in great in the past few days ...
Busted! It's another man's wiener!!!!
Husker just finished processing my order for some Relaxin' Jacks booty, that came two weeks ago ...
LOL, H21 ... just getting caught up or what? ...
yeah man I miss my lawn have about 1 acre I mow,can't wait till spring. I'm one of those crazy people who take a lot of pride in their lawn. Love winter but love summer even more. 
ps pic was taken last summer obviously  :P
grantmichaels said:
Husker just finished processing my order for some Relaxin' Jacks booty, that came two weeks ago ...
LOL, H21 ... just getting caught up or what? ...
Working on a page and noticed I forgot to "process" your order.  I hope it made it their in one piece. :)  
grantmichaels said:
I don't share your love of lawns, but chalk it up to a 4+ allergy to cut grass ...
I lived in a rat cage once. Never again. After that I realized what a privilege it is to own a nice big lawn. I'm not allergic to anything luckily that I have found, not even poison ivy. I can only imagine allergies being a pita. Where's the burger?
I'm allergic to cut grass, american cockroaches, palm trees, pepper trees, and dust mites ...
It's not too bad, except that we them all here in Florida ...
Pretty sure I am going to be out...we are snowed in and school is already canceled for tomorrow. There may be a slim hope but not much.  :mope:
For anyone that has seen my grows in my GLOG, there is a 20 foot long and 2 foot high raised bed missing and a 4 x 4 square foot garden :)
grantmichaels said:
I'm allergic to cut grass, american cockroaches, palm trees, pepper trees, and dust mites ...
It's not too bad, except that we them all here in Florida ...
I'm allergic to grass, mold, most weeds but especially ragweed, cockroaches, dust mites, dogs, .... so many things I forgot most the list. That's not even starting on the foods. ... oddly i'm not affected by poison ivy though. We have gender reversal roles around here. Wifey mowes the grass, I do the gardening, cooking and dishes. 
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