contest The Next Throwdown is...

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I'm glad you guys are diggin'. And yes this TD is dedicated to JayT and will take research. To kind of answer your concern Scov, if you can trace the dish to a region of Mexico DO IT! Yes, there can be varying stories, as in, where was the first burger made. But we will go with the story you researched! Just make sure you tell us about both items on your combo plate (one popular, one unique) and how they relate to the region. :)

Hoe that helps.
You might want to re-think the chimichurri Grant. That is South American (Argentina).
Ya hear me?

What's the official throwdown rules for TD's where there's a couple? ...

Is it reasonable that the crown goes to the account, and leaves the fighting to the couple for who is entered? ...

Or if less cobined but more something like "I made this here burrito dinner with homemade sangria using D's flour tortillas from the other night" ...

We have sometimes posted a version of the TD in the DC thread just because we didn't feel like having to saddle one person w/ the dinner ...

FWIW I'm totally cool w/ the rule being such that a person has to do it alone, which is why we've done what I just mentioned in the past ...

Anyways, some clarification on assistance from someone else would be appreciated =) ...
There have been helpers many times Grant, the crown will go to who posts it if it is 50/50, if it is 60/40 have the other person post it. :)
GM wasn't around for our 6-layer epic burger. :lol: SalsaDude helped me "man the fire" when I did the triple cast iron Dutch Oven. I still did all the planning and cooking, just needed some help to keep the coals going.
Scovie beat me to it. Your picture is better than mine but mine has the best wine glass ever in it. I had a big fingerprint smear on the lens. :lol: AND it actually tasted good! We all dove in and took a layer. That thing was as tall as a small child! Scovie, CJ, SalsaKid, HabbyHeat81 and BetterHalf, and myself all did this one. Fun Times~
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