Today in the kitchen...

I watched Dogma again the other night..seeing your dinner being put together has a smile on my face Silent Bob :rolleyes:
Sickmont said:
Go hang around Highlands and see what the locals have to say about that....
You know way too much about Jersey man. :lol: I grew up down near the Quick Stop. About 5 minutes away if that. Belford in tha Howse.

And Highlands is good for...well..they have a Stewart's and some bars.
fineexampl said:
You know way too much about Jersey man. :lol: I grew up down near the Quick Stop. About 5 minutes away if that. Belford in tha Howse.

And Highlands is good for...well..they have a Stewart's and some bars.

I'm from Long Branch, bro.
And i used to hang out with all the headbangers and white trash in Highlands and Keansburg

And Highlands is also good for a pretty good score(if ya get the hint)....
fineexampl said:
today i thought i'd share my kitchen with you all. Here's my current arsenal.



Thats a chiliheads dream choc full of wife would kill me :lol:
I'm sure he's got an extra fridge just for the beer. Except for the lack of beer, mine looks similiar, just more veggies in there.
fineexampl said:
Those drawers on the bottom that say Crisper. I think they are meant for lettuce and junk, but honestly, who keeps lettuce in there?

Are got it lol er..i do i grew my own mini-icebergs and i put my toms in there..Talas trying to be kewl but usual :oops:
Today in the kitchen as i was packing away in the freezer the 2lbs of red habs i bought for sauce, i kept the largest to play with. I decided to roast it along with 2 Hatch chiles over the open flame. Than what? Well, it's polenta night! Roasted, skinned (mostly), diced, and into my polenta they will go. :)

It's gonna be yum!
Sounds good. Bet it's hot. I hope we can find some good peppers at Bowers for less than $10 a lb. I have a gallon bag full of peppers I just picked that I am trying to decide what to do with. I have been making salsa, and may make more, but I'd kind of like to make a sauce this time. But, if I do it will use up all of the peppers for five or six woozies worth of sauce. Not sure yet. Wish I knew what I will find at Bowers now. let me know how the Polenta is.