Today in the kitchen...

My girl and i received a nice gift from her mom who got them from a friend; yellow/low acid cherry tomatoes! Delicious from the get-go, i decided to try an experiment. I halved a good bunch of them, and also halved about 4-5 sweet mini-peppers, 3-4 cloves of garlic, and 2 green habs i bought that never ripened correctly. I laid them in my trusty dehydrator and set them for 24hrs to dry.

I tossed em all in the grinder and here is the result. The only difference from this pic and the final product is i added seasalt and black pepper. This is going to be a full-on seasoning for some kickass dinners to come. I dumped it into an old shaker bottle i saved from some old oregano (perish the thought of buying McCormick herbs!!) and voila! Easy as pie and tasty as all hell!

Just look at that color!:D
That really is a fine accompaniment seasoning and a nice easy recipe,Do you no what tomato variety they where fineexampl ? :)
talas said:
That really is a fine accompaniment seasoning and a nice easy recipe,Do you no what tomato variety they where fineexampl ? :)
No idea, but they are little orange buggers the size of a large grape.

Chiliac said:
What a great idea. Looks wonderful and I'm sure it's tasty as hell!!!!
You bet it is!:lol: I'm psyched to try it out.
A new spin on an old classic...

I had a bunch of taters and figured i'd boil em up for some as yet undetermined meal. That turned into "well, let me throw in some of those dried chiles i from the Asian market and see if we can rehydrate them". No sweat. Than i got hungry.

I grabbed a can of tuna (whole white albacore something or other) and the chiles. I squeezed the chiles and got out all the inner flesh and seeds. Now what you have there is pure chile paste when you get down to it. I mashed that up into the tuna with some low acid cherry tomatoes (seeded) and a spoon of light mayo. Gave that a whip, grabbed some kosher dill pickles and wheat bread. Now what? I grabbed a tater from the water and opened it up and over that i drizzled some black truffle oil.

So there you have it, tuna salad and potato salad....slightly re/deconstructed. (hint: deconstructed meals are a huge culinary trend right now)

It looks like this:
Hey FE - how do you like that gourmet cilantro paste in your fridge? I've always glanced at it sideways as it's hard in winter here to find good fresh cilantro. Is it actually close to the real thing?

The tuna sammich looks good - one of my favorite tuna sammich's is open faced, with jalapeno's, tomatoes, thinly sliced red onion, open faced with some cheese and baked in the oven to melt it. :)
the cilantro is no comparison to fresh, but it's close. i know i rarely go through an entire bunch of cilantro fresh, but the paste lasts forever.
Tonight is the full moon. Time to make sauce!

For Batch #3 i stopped at the market and got a ton of jalapenos and thai hots. Also got a few habaneros so you know it's gonna have heat no matter what. A few peaches, onion, garlic, and some Mason jelly jars. My goal is to make a mild/medium sauce made mostly of jalapeno. I also fire roasted all the chiles. Here's where we are at right now. I have jars sterilizing, water boiling, and sauce simmering. I will be making a Private Reserve version with bhut jolokia added. Niceness.

All done! I made six of regular Batch#3 and three of Batch #3 Private Reserve: Bhut Jolokia. The PR is on the toppermost. Doesn't look much different, but i assure you, surely is.
Right now i have the pressure cooker finishing off 48oz (in 12oz jars) of Fatalii concentrate. Now, in all the other previous batches of concentrate, i had no issues with burning aside from whenever i touched bare skin and it got warm. These little buggers are different. My LUNGS were burning from the vapor on this batch. Good god, i was choking, coughing, etc. Cleared my sinuses nicely!

So this will finish off my current project of chile concentration camp. My girl will be pleased.

the count...

56oz Orange Habanero
48oz Fatalii
60oz Red Habanero
12oz Scotch Bonnet
17oz Batch #4 Hot Sauce

Not a bad haul for a weeks work.