Today in the kitchen...

as you said in my post fine...looks like we are on the same page today...
Unfortunately, i think i'm done with this bit for at least a little bit. Next endeavor is a hot sauce i will call "Pumpkin Pain". I have a "cheese" pumpkin just waiting to be cooked. I figure i'll throw in some bhut jolokia. Maybe 1-2 of my fresh dried pods. I am hoping to make about a case of the stuff. We'll see how it goes.

I was set to make my Fatalii Fig hot sauce as i've spoken of before, but i went to buy figs, and unfortunately they are not easy to find at this time of year. All the fig trees in the area are victims of the fall weather. Shame really, i had everything i needed for the sauce.

Which reminds me, i need ph calibration supplies. Dang. I keep forgetting.
I'm posting a follow-up, as i don't recall if i posted about it initially. Today at work i'm trying out a project i began a month ago i suppose. It began with my homemade Stevia extract, which, by and large, was a failure. I'll have to redo it, but there was something good to come out of it which i'll explain here.

I have made, a liquid stevia-bhut jolokia extract, or to be more accurate, a kind of liquer. I soaked stevia leaves in everclear and strained it off. I put some into some medicine dropper bottles i bought from Into this bottle i put 2 slices of fresh bhut jolokia and let it soak. I had no clue what i was going to do with this, but i had a few ideas.

This morning i figured i'd bust it out at work. I put 8 drops into my coffee. WOW! Is this stuff great! The Everclear will preserve this and keep the nasties away. I'm thinking for at least one cup i'll have to use an entire dropper full.

Now, does anyone know how to make an extract with everclear that will result in an extract like what is used in commercial superhot sauces?
fineexampl said:
I'm posting a follow-up, as i don't recall if i posted about it initially. Today at work i'm trying out a project i began a month ago i suppose. It began with my homemade Stevia extract, which, by and large, was a failure. I'll have to redo it, but there was something good to come out of it which i'll explain here.

I have made, a liquid stevia-bhut jolokia extract, or to be more accurate, a kind of liquer. I soaked stevia leaves in everclear and strained it off. I put some into some medicine dropper bottles i bought from Into this bottle i put 2 slices of fresh bhut jolokia and let it soak. I had no clue what i was going to do with this, but i had a few ideas.

This morning i figured i'd bust it out at work. I put 8 drops into my coffee. WOW! Is this stuff great! The Everclear will preserve this and keep the nasties away. I'm thinking for at least one cup i'll have to use an entire dropper full.

I grew quite a bit of stevia a year or so ago, and instead of making extract I just powdered the dried leaves. I use the powder in dry rubs, and it's fantastic. Especially like a sweet chili rub for some chicken, zomg. If you have any leaves left try it.

Never tried making an extract, I found a powdered one I like too much. It costs like 13 bucks for 1.3 oz, but I use it daily for tea/coffee and i'm still working on the bottle i bought back in july.
Txclosetgrower said:
I grew quite a bit of stevia a year or so ago, and instead of making extract I just powdered the dried leaves. I use the powder in dry rubs, and it's fantastic. Especially like a sweet chili rub for some chicken, zomg. If you have any leaves left try it.

Never tried making an extract, I found a powdered one I like too much. It costs like 13 bucks for 1.3 oz, but I use it daily for tea/coffee and i'm still working on the bottle i bought back in july.
I never thought if using Stevia as a rub, oddly enough. Now that you bring it to my attention, i know what we'll be having for dinner this week. Maybe make some mojito chicken with stevia and lime and a splash of booze? I have about 3-4oz of dried leaves left.

i also bought the stevia powder, but i didn't care for it. i did like the stevia drops. i use it in cooking and coffee and tea. it's pretty versatile and relatively neutral.
fineexampl said:
I never thought if using Stevia as a rub, oddly enough. Now that you bring it to my attention, i know what we'll be having for dinner this week. Maybe make some mojito chicken with stevia and lime and a splash of booze? I have about 3-4oz of dried leaves left.

i also bought the stevia powder, but i didn't care for it. i did like the stevia drops. i use it in cooking and coffee and tea. it's pretty versatile and relatively neutral.

You gotta find the right powder. I've tried a bunch of different ones, most had a nasty aftertaste. My favorite is

It doesn't have much of an aftertaste, is EXTREMELY concentrated, its not one of those powders diluted with inulin fiber or anything. It takes 1/2 tsp or less to sweeten about half a gallon of tea. Ridiculous.

I can't wait til they finally release a purified rebaudioside extract. There are lots of steviosides that cause the sweetness, and some are some are pure sweet, some give that bitter after taste. I saw something somewhere where coca-cola and cargill are working to create a soft drink line sweetened with their new patented stevia extract rebiana(sp?). Pretty cool stuff.
Right now i am simmering 2 cases of woozies in one pot and in the other pot i have ...

aka Batch #5 of my homebrew hot sauce.

This one contains a undisclosed blend of cheese pumpkin, roasted pumpkin seeds, spices, and orange habanero and scotch bonnets. The flavor prior to a slow simmer was that of a hellish pumpkin pie, minus the eggs and milk. It even looks like pie filling!

I will have plenty of extras. Plenty.
I have finished 11 bottles of my Pumpkin Pain. They look JUST like pumpkin pie filling, ...but really hot! 12oz oz superhot chile concentrate went into these badboys. If there's enough interest, i will make more. I have frozen half of the pumpkin i roasted.

I also canned 6 jars of pasta sauce based on my killer recipe that i slowcooked since this afternoon and canned around 10pm tonight. The sauce is a killer. No noticeable heat, but i did use some powdered tian jin in place of my normal chile flakes.

While i was at it, i also made a jar of pickled jalapenos as they looked good at Wegman's when we went grocery shopping. I simmered these in cider vinegar, garlic, kosher salt, dill seed, and half a dried bhut jolokia. I'll let these sit around for a couple weeks and shake them as i go. I'll report back on these.
sounds delicious fine...will be curious how the concentrate worked for making a sauce since I am planning on doing that this coming winter...
AlabamaJack said:
sounds delicious fine...will be curious how the concentrate worked for making a sauce since I am planning on doing that this coming winter...
It's VERY strong. In this one recipe i only used 12oz of concentrate to fill 11 bottles. My plan was to make the sauce and add the chiles afterward. Looks great, and i'll be trying some today when we go to Harold's for my birthday lunch thing. No idea what i'll have it on, but who knows. I'm just excited to try batch #5 before i let it loose on the world. I should probably come up with a price, but i'm thinking $10 works. Until i start growing my own shit, the stuff is expensive.
A pound of cranberries, cinnamon, some dried blueberries and cranberries left over from another project, cranberry wine, the leftover syrup from my pear and plum canning, some apples, sterilized the math kids. It's cranberry sauce makin time!
I give you....PUMPKIN PAIN!!

And my recent canning exploits!
R-L: My homemade cranberry sauce (secret recipe), (top) canned plums, (bottom) canned sugar pears, pickled jalapenos w/ bhut jolokia, my latest slowcooked veggie pasta sauce
Haha I know man but that stuff looks good. That pumpkin sauce looks awesome. I like the idea of seasonal sauces, like how they do beer. Pumpkin would be halloween/thanksgiving. What would a christmas sauce be?
Txclosetgrower said:
Haha I know man but that stuff looks good. That pumpkin sauce looks awesome. I like the idea of seasonal sauces, like how they do beer. Pumpkin would be halloween/thanksgiving. What would a christmas sauce be?
Well plum or cinnamon would do nicely for Christmas. Cranberry maybe?