Today in the kitchen...

Txclosetgrower said:
Candied habanero? That would be an awesome use for those things.

I demand pics!
I thought about using the candied habs, but wanted to keep it simple this time. I'm eating one now and it's just perfect.

The peanuts were from a can and claim to be seasoned with red savina powder. I chopped them and added to the recipe on the bag of chocolate chips. Than i dusted 4 with cocoa chile powder, 4 with my own multi-chile blend, and 4 with powdered tian jin chiles. Simply outstanding!


And the aforementioned candied habs.

QuadShotz said:
The habs look great!

I keep meanng to make some of those, but the habs tend to get ermm..used up first. ;)
I don't cook with fresh habs as often as i'd like because my girl doesn't always want heat. So i make hot sauce/powder for me when i want it. These habs were so pretty i knew they had to be candied. I forgot to mention how hot they are too! (i dont feel like looking) i think i forgot to mention i ground half of a bhut jolokia into the final boil and i think it kicked the heat to the higher level. I tried having one at work, but chiles and answering a phone don't mix. :mouthonfire:
Nice..I just used some of my habs for pizza.

Mmmmm...tis great when ya mix it in wit the mozz...then all the cheese oils and habs get all comfy-like...flaming cheese, any1? ;-D
I bought these today. Please tell me someone knows what they are. Some rube said they were red serrano, but to me they look like a cayenne. Please help. I do not know what this goodness actually is.


Also bought a pack of dried chile tepins. They looked cute. :)
How do you like the tepins? How do they taste?

I'm sure most of you have seen "The World' Hottest pepper, NOT BHUT JOLOKIA, but the wild desert tepin!"
UnNatural said:
How do you like the tepins? How do they taste?

I'm sure most of you have seen "The World' Hottest pepper, NOT BHUT JOLOKIA, but the wild desert tepin!"
I havent had the tepins yet. i'll try anything hot once. usually twice. :mouthonfire:
imaguitargod said:
Hey, that;s a pefrect preasure cooker for sterlizing petri dishes and mason jars full of grain....if you get my drift....
I think i do, but maybe you can enlighten me further. If you mean something with hops and malt, i totally get ya. I MUST brew beer in 2009!!
Okay so i visited the Container Store in south jersey today. I picked up some formerly pricy bottles.

Now my question, aside from hot packing these swingtops, can they be pressurized in a pressure canner? Should i try it?

I have 10 of these that i will use or a small limited run on my homebrew hot sauce. I will post up when that comes about.
fineexampl said:
I think i do, but maybe you can enlighten me further. If you mean something with hops and malt, i totally get ya. I MUST brew beer in 2009!!
Nope, you don't get me....I mean something that is white, then fruits and bruses blue.
imaguitargod said:
Hey, that;s a pefrect preasure cooker for sterlizing petri dishes and mason jars full of grain....if you get my drift....

Just started to get things together to get the still fired make distilled water to make my sauces with.....thats my story and I'm stickin to it.....lmao