Today in the kitchen...

I pickled the superlarge habs i bought the other day. I used cider vinegar, salt, and pickling spice and garlic.

With that, i saved every seed as these were real nice habs. I have those seeds drying off to add to my seed bank. I will be adding them to my list of available seeds.
I've been a tad busy in the kitchen the last few days.

ain't it the truth? and thanks!

Today and yesterday i worked on this as well. Made it all from scratch aside from the candies.




Awesome! Not only can you cook but you're an artist too!:)

My youngest daughter is home from college and has been baking up a storm! Man I love the holidays!
I love the holidays, love the relatives especially the grandchildren and great grands, love all the fussing for it but I had the flu this week. Stuff that I normally like I could barely tolerate the smell of..all I can say is I couldn't have gained any weight cuz I could hardly stand to eat. For once this grandma is glad to see the holidays over, we have quiet New Years eves so I'm done for the year lol.
I have a small batch of Pumpkin Pain simmering. I think i have the recipe the right way. I forgot to write things down last time so this trial/error BS now. I'm writing down as i go this time so i can repeat things. Adjusting the seasoning is the hardest part as is tasting hot sauce and trying to ignore the heat while doing so. Kinda tricky. The color is right, but not sure of the final product. It's close, but i ran out of the cheese pumpkin i was using and the sweet onions too, so i had to make adjustments there. Dang.

I want to make a red sauce or a mild sauce tonight too so i can make wings for new years eve. i'd hate to have to use ....dare i say it...Franks Red Hot.
on to sauce batch #6. i won't go too into the details, but highlights are tomatillo, bhut jolokia, cayenne, red hab, annnnnnnd a little River Horse ESB.
so i made this secret hot sauce to use up all the rest of my bhut jolokias. i finally got a chance to try it last night. first on bread, and i got my butt kicked. than on more bread later on and it was alright. that was followed by two chicken wings.

each time i started to feel queasy after eating it, but it faded once the heat faded.

moral: bhut jolokia burns so bad i get queasy, but than i want more.
imaguitargod said:
Not a secret anymore! Why was it a secret to begin with?
Secret as in for my own consumption. I didn't want to share my hard work growing them as i had so few.

I still have tons Pumpkin Pain and ESB available if anyone wants one. Just promise not to sue, send me $12, and i'll box one up for you. I'd love to get some THP opinions ...and cover the cost of the next batch.

$12 sounds high to me, but i pay retail for all the stuff. However, look at it this way, all proceeds go into a mason jar for the very next batch. It's the circle of life...or ...something. ;)