It's been awhile since I updated this grow thread. I've been a little disappointed lately as the aphids have been relentless. Aphids Suck! The ladybugs (over 25,00 this winter) have always controlled them until the last month or so. The conditions in the green house have probably contributed to the problem. I started seeds way early, had a lot of overwintered plants get really large as well as the hydro plants which were also very large. It has been so crowded there hasn't been any room to take care of things properly. The hydro plants were so heavily infested that I cut them down after only harvesting 2 ripe pods. They are starting to grow back so they could end up growing in soil for the summer. Lots of lessons learned the hard way this season.
I have been working on the outdoor garden some. I now have 12 raised beds totaling 1020 square feet of growing space, 7 blueberry plants, and a new asparagus bed. I found a deal (free) on more nursery containers than I could ever use, so, I am gonna try growing some in containers too. Haven't been too successful in the past though with containers.
We had a frost here on Monday and I think it was our last but, I'm not ready to gamble on it especially with my 2nd year plants. They have been the least effected (affected?) by the aphids and they've supplied more fresh pods than I can use all winter. I harvested all the ripe pods today, more than 2 pounds. I think I will offer them up for grabs in the marketplace later tonite. Watch for a posting if interested.
The plants I'm most excited about getting in the ground are the 2nd year pubescens. I cut them way back in the fall and they have grown into a huge bush over 7 feet tall, loaded with blooms, green pods and even 3 ripening pods. They did all that in 3 gallon pots! I've been told not to expect much the first year, which was accurate, and after that they really come on strong. I can hardly wait.
Here they are:
I lost the labels but I think these are called Golden Orange Rocoto: