food Top This Sandwich! A sandwich posting game

The missing ingredient in my exploration of this dish is the mascarpone, I think ...
I might need to be knowin' about these fermented waffles too, though ...
Tellicherry? ...
Fermented waffles/pancakes-  have to start with a good sourdough starter so if you don't have one you need to make one for the recipe.
2 cups flour- I use 1.5 cups kaap and .5 cup sprouted whole wheat- but you can use all kaap
2 tbl sugar- I use real maple syrup
2 cups real good quality buttermilk
1.25 cups unfed sourdough starter
Combine ingredients and let sit overnight on the kitchen counter- it will start to bubble away like a mofo
in the morning add all of the "sponge" you made the night before to the following
2 large eggs at room temp
1/4 cup melted unsalted butter
3/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla- you can leave this out if you like
1 tsp baking soda
makes waffles or pancakes, sourdough with the buttermilk gives them this awesome "twang" that I can;t really describe. you have to try it to know what im talking about I think.  if anyone makes them you won;t be disappointed 
fuck, i'm out ...

kaap, sprouted whole wheat, quality buttermilk ...
i've never even heard of kaap ...
the reason i'm out, though ... is that at the end of it all i'll feel guilty for working hard to make a carb!
guilt's a bitch.
down to just requiring the purchase of sprouted wheat flour ... and buttermilk ...
maybe i will do it ...
apparently i'll source an ingredient or two, but not three ... lol.
grantmichaels said:
getting easier and easier ...
or just ...
Just PM me your address.
JayT said:
I think you are overthinking the waffle a little GM.  Me, I have yet to get into the whole sourdough starter thing yet.
Same offer to you as GM. Just PM your address and I will send you a slug of my starter I've had going for years. It's super easy to care for.
More then glad to answer any questions. I've been working on a new pizza dough recipe using natural levan ever since the pizza throw down. Seriously must have made 100 different pizzas and finally have " the one". I'll share it with you guys when you get started with sourdough I think you will like it.
JayT said:
I am definitely interested.  I have been wanting to get into this, but have for some reason been a little intimidated by it.


JayT. I started this after I spoke to Pic1's use of it during the pizza throwdown. Very easy to maintain and use. Great for homemade bread, pizza and now I will be trying pancake/waffles.
FreeportBum said:
More then glad to answer any questions. I've been working on a new pizza dough recipe using natural levan ever since the pizza throw down. Seriously must have made 100 different pizzas and finally have " the one". I'll share it with you guys when you get started with sourdough I think you will like it.
Thanks for posting the waffle recipe. I have my starter out, making some pizza dough tmrw night, for use this weekend.
Best. Fried. Fish. Sandwich. EVER. A very accurate recreation of the fish sandwich served at Mike Linnings in Louisville, KY back in the mid-1970's. It's a damned shame they no longer offer it!

Beer-battered fish (use cod or, even better, pollock!) + Soft Jewish rye bread + Tartar sauce made with Dukes Mayo = No can defense!

You can not beat that.....

I win.
Im not a fried kinda guy. But I would be more than happy eating that,french fries hush puppie included. It woukd have to be late at night when I was good and drunk ;)