food Top This Sandwich! A sandwich posting game

Top This Smoked Turkey Sandwich!

I smoke some seasoned breast over pimento lump, earlier this evening ...



And if you peek in my grilling thread, you can see more and details re: the freshly baked Italian bread w/ cracked tellicherry pepper, and the pimped out guac ...



Getting right to the point ...


Plate-filler ...






Great looking sandwich Grant! I have only smoked one turkey breast so far but I need to do it more often now that I have a slicer. I am hoping with Easter around the corner a bunch of fresh ones will be available. 
That sammie needs one thing though...
The smoked butterball's are pre-brined etc ... and this was a smoke-from-frozen ...
It works too well to ignore ...
I am going to do like 4-5 next time, though ... turkey goes fast!
You know what ...
I have paid between $46 and $129 for brisket, of varying sizes and grades from a 2.75 lb flat, to a 13.25 lb whole ...
They usually reduce down 1/3 or 1/2 by weight over the cook ...
Those Butterball breast-only are like $11-12 most of the year, and $9-10 around Thanksgiving - and I think they are ~3 lbs ...
I love the turkey's on the grill ...
grantmichaels said:
You know what ...
I have paid between $46 and $129 for brisket, of varying sizes and grades from a 2.75 lb flat, to a 13.25 lb whole ...
They usually reduce down 1/3 or 1/2 by weight over the cook ...
Those Butterball breast-only are like $11-12 most of the year, and $9-10 around Thanksgiving - and I think they are ~3 lbs ...
I love the turkey's on the grill ...
If you can score a whole brisket at Walmart do it, Excel choice....check the BBQ site and it's the one they say is best to get period
GOOD LAWD best sammie I've seen in here since... I can't remember when so no offense to anyone, but DAYUM!!!!

Is that bread slightly sweet? Looks it, if so, DAYUMMMM again! If not still DAYUM!!!!!!!