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WayRight's 2ten start

K cool, thanks for the info. I just ordered 5g of GA3 and IAA. Do u use anything but GA3 and water? I assume u use it as a foliar spray? How do u do the math to get the ppm count??
Yes on foliar spray... On the math.. I have a 1/32 teaspoon and a chart that tells me how many scoops per ounces of water.I dissolve the GA3 in a glass woozy with a teaspoon of 90% rubbing alcohol,Nuke it for 5 secs. then add it to water. 6BA and NAA are a little harder to dissolve , A drop of baby shampoo works great!
So yea.. Some of my early plants are getting a few pods,They are still immature but exciting none the less.
Birgits Locoto Sorry,pic is a 'lil fuzzy.

Small Lumbre pods

Biker Billy

Cascabella,amazingly good for a medium heat pepper!
Wow man, lookin great! I Sprayed with 250ppm GA3 on the 22nd and poured 200ppm IAA on the roots on the 23rd on one of my Habs. Its lookin good so far. Havent messed with the BA6 just cuz Im a little unsure of its effects...
Hi Dark,
How's the Indole working for you? Whereas the GA3 and IAA are for vertical growth, the Benzylaminopurine is a cytokinin ,Basically cell division..Don't be skurred. :)
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Looking good Kevin, the Voodoo juice really seems to be working wonders on your plants, nice and bushy and full of pods. Hocus pocus and grow like redwoods.:lol:
Have been screwing with Fermented plant extracts what a deferents it makes in plant growth also using GA3 after reading this post thanks for the info.
There's a lot of information on the web on Indigenous Microorganisms. to help with growing your soil and making your plants happy for little money, Haven't spent any
money on store bought stuff, except coco coir try-ed to make it myself but to damn much work when you can buy it $2.85 a brick.Your plants look great keep up the great work.
millworkman said:
Yours has definitely surpassed mine now Wayright. Its looking good.
Thanks Mill , Thats too kind,, But I did see your recent update :) Your Rhomb is blasting off!

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Looking good Kevin, the Voodoo juice really seems to be working wonders on your plants, nice and bushy and full of pods. Hocus pocus and grow like redwoods.:lol:
Hey Cappy, I'ma take one of those Brain Strains you sent,and make it 15 feet tall! :)

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HawaiiAl said:
Have been screwing with Fermented plant extracts what a deferents it makes in plant growth also using GA3 after reading this post thanks for the info.
Thanks Al, When I started using GA3 several years ago there was no info on the web at all! I had to experiment thru alot of failures to get a baseline on veggies vs. flowers.Same thing with other stuff I use.So ,glad I could help and hope to get more people interested so we can get more info.
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What ppm would you recommend for the BA6? I was thinking about doing a 100 ppm dose. The instructions say it's only needed once. Not like the GA3 or IAA that can be used every 4-6 weeks.
Wayright, that is an awesome grow you got going. Do you think I should I put metal mesh wire and a stake next to my peppers for support?
DarkTrak said:
What ppm would you recommend for the BA6? I was thinking about doing a 100 ppm dose. The instructions say it's only needed once. Not like the GA3 or IAA that can be used every 4-6 weeks.
Hey Dark,
I use BA6 more than once a year and I wouldnt go any higher than 25ppm I personally go at about 10-15 ppm,I think those high doses are for plants other than veggies.I once sprayed a cuke with a high dose and it sat perfectly still for over 3 months.Good luck and let us know how it works out.

SnakeDoc said:
Wayright, that is an awesome grow you got going. Do you think I should I put metal mesh wire and a stake next to my peppers for support?
I use stakes and cages mainly because I grow in rows,and 1 fallen plant can block 3 rows!
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Weatherman keeps calling for storms but they are all missing my garden.I had to intervene!
A little sprinkler action.

A view from the back of the garden,easy to tell what was started indoors!

This is peppers all the way back

Birgits Locoto are getting huge!

Got my first small harvest of the year!Only some Bananas and Cacabellas, Sweet bananas for my Ma in law, Cascabellas are for me.I know ..not much heat but hey it's early and I'm excited about the bounty.


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nice looking harvest why you pikling it already i always leave pikling for last harvest of the season, you should enjoy your fresh early harvest.
Hey there Wayright
By the looks of your garden you'll have a great season ahead of you
Congrats on your first harvest. :)
I'm doing some experimenting with seaweed fermented extract the plants I"m using it on are twice as big as others. It contains two different kinds of GA3 and a whole bunch of other things. looking for cord to post pictures.