LOST..You canot change him, he has to do it.
As an employer..you need to send him to manadatory rehab. Or else.
DOn't be a friend, be a boss. If he doesnt value hsi career..well, then he'll make a fine hobo. I did for yrs until I got sick of it.
I was homeless for the better part of a decade because of deperession, drugs, stubborness and booze....but I got better. Because I got on SSI/SS and I decided if I messed this up, I was done for.
I've haad the same apt for like 6yrs now, pay my bills, etc.
It's nice.
Yea, I get drunk sometimes..but I liek knowing I hava place.
Why does he drink so?
Divorce? Dad was a prick? Dad used hsi prick on him? Mommy didn't love him?
I knew an A+ certified M$ guy who downed a pint during breaaks...bah!
C'mon...I had an unreal childhood that messed me up fro life adn I stay on the outside..what does he have? He ever live on the streets wonderintg how the hell food might happen?
Gimme TEN mins and I'd straigthen him out, or sell him to slavery adn hand u change.
Only in the US...most countries he'd be dead by now adn noone would care.
I wouldn't. A lot of bright, capable, who-knows-what-they-could've-done people die on the streets everyday in every city on earth.
Live or die, easy choice. Only took me until late 30's to decide....