food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Here's the rest of the story...

Stock...with the onions and celery...all reduced and happy:


Tossed in the chicken....then made up the dough:


drop drop drop drop get the picture.

After the dumplings are in....cook for another 6-10 minuted on a low simmer.....and it looks like THIS:


It's not much to look at.....but it sure was tasty!


Retta.....B& my bowl....NO LEFTOVERS!!

I went with a new pork vindaloo the other day and must say that I may have a new favorite. Very velvety and rich. I still have to tweak the recipe a bit, but it's pretty tasty as is. Sorry there's no presentation shot, but look at the thick red oil separating as it cooks. MMMmm! MMMmm! Fantastic on rice and sopped up with naan.

You haven't had vindaloo logchief? So good. This one has garlic, chilies, cardamon, black pepper, cinnamon, mustard seed, fenugreek seed, salt, ginger, coriander, brown sugar and turmeric. It uses pork shoulder and is simmered so long that it's crazy tender. If you haven't tried one I highly suggest you do. It really takes care of those cravings for something a little tart.
Sounds good! Hopefully it has vinegar or it ain't vindaloo.
shoot! Forgot to say White wine vinegar. Good catch there THP!

I've been loving the sour garlicky foods lately. Can't seem to get enough. Especially when you have the little burnt bits of meat from the pan incorporated into the meal.
Your recipe sounds good, vindaloo is my favorite. I prefer lamb. The vinegar adds that tang that separates it from other curries and I love all the other ingredients, especially the fresh ginger. Yum.
I haven't tried lamb vindaloo yet. I'm not really a fan of lamb, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. Can't seem to find the tougher, fattier cuts around here though. I'll have to check with the butcher.
Just posted the recipe logchief. I used cayenne (dried and ground). I've tried habs and found that it really altered the taste and didn't care for it. Cayenne's give me a nice burn and original flavor. Check it out at Goan Style Pork Vindaloo right here on THP!
I went with a new pork vindaloo the other day and must say that I may have a new favorite. Very velvety and rich. I still have to tweak the recipe a bit, but it's pretty tasty as is. Sorry there's no presentation shot, but look at the thick red oil separating as it cooks. MMMmm! MMMmm! Fantastic on rice and sopped up with naan.


I love that stuff! Hot blue and righteous! The lamb version is a bit more cholesterol but I'll take it. My dumb ace would put it on a tortilla! Sometimes I can't 'hep my 'sef!
I love that stuff! Hot blue and righteous! The lamb version is a bit more cholesterol but I'll take it. My dumb ace would put it on a tortilla! Sometimes I can't 'hep my 'sef!

Oh man I never thought of puttin' it on a tort-a-la! that's why I love this place. Out of the box thinking!
practicing for the TD, here's the first attempt-

andouille getting happy,

veggies getting happy-
carrot, celery, onion, garlic, black pepper, cayenne, bay leaf

everything else getting happy, all in the fav CI pan~-
tomatoes, chichen broth and at the end, gumbo file powder-

it was all gone last night, but still needs work- suggestions?