food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Chili Cheese Rollups. This is use of my leftover chili from the cookoff with monterey jack cheese.





I was inspired by someone else that did this and used the panini press. I made them last night and they turned out pretty solid. Really easy too.
Another week of chicken, salads and seafood. Really gettin an urge to cook some burgers, tacos and poppers. Hmmm will happen soon

Fresh seafood, tomatoes, onion and garlic, sriracha, pepper spice blend. Throw in the wok




Very solid booma!
I don't personally dig on seafood like that, but damn that looks fresh and perfectly cooked!
I'd eat it, and probably love it!!!!
booma - did I see mussels in that mix????? Are they even called "mussels" in AussieLand?

Oh dang - I'd take mussels over oysters almost anyday! Talk about Pacific NW comfort food! :D
Haha yep mussels they are. Mix of mussels, prawns, scallops and calamari. Aussieland share most of the same words..... Sort of??
Making some sort of Jerk tonight, Chicken Chops and cheating with some Walkerswood Jerk.


But for now while i wait....

Follow up, jerk chicken. Plain and simple, cheated, but tasted good.



And then threw this together, looks a little like it as well. Asparagus, eggplant, chicken stuffed with some pumpkin and cheese mix.

Only thing hot was some LDHS (going to do something special with these soon though).....

Oh sonofabitch! You are chefin up a storm over there in Mountville Mafia land.

Beef and mushrooms go together like hhwiskey and ice cubes. And with your Jap sauce?

DA DA DAAAAAAA!!!!!! Looks ritcheous Jay.
This was actually Tuesday's supper, just now posting.

Oh and I forgot, some of sicman's sicmix on mine. If you look close you can see it, and it really works for this.