food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

PwnedPepper said:


store bought dough, some sauce my mom made with just tomato paste, oil, basil oregeno ect. turkey sausage,jarred roasted red peppers, and onions which were cooked in oil and saracha, mozzerlla and parm. cooked at 550* till CRIZPEE and brown. not really hot but $#^&ing good everythang' about that pizza....except one thing. Turkey Sausage. I know..I know..its healthy and all....feel free to reprimand me for my comments..

Cheers, TB.
munchzilla- its turkey breakfast sausage that i cut up.

chilihunter- we didnt have any good HOT chili powder, and i would have used flakes but the seeds mess up my stomach because of crohnes deasese.

texasblues- hey it wasnt my choice for the sausage. i didnt buy it :shrugs: would have prefered a nice layer of fried up pork sausage with some saracha and chili powder or some sort.

PS- it was VERY good either way. i think i might go to the store soon and pick up some hot stuff. or order up some hotsauce and some hab powder or something...
It's taco night @ Casa de Impy. Here's what I started with:


The habs & serranos went in w/ the meat (thanx for the idea Quad):


And here's the finished product:


I only ate two as a pre-gym snack. I'll have leftovers later along w/ some cerveza.

Oh yeah...they're PLENTY warm! :hell: I was hoping that the "Mexican sauce" would be more pico-like as the pic on the can illistrates. Nope, it was more like a chunky sauce. Along w/ the El Yucateco you can imagine my tacos were plenty messy (I know I don't have to comment).

Although, ya rly need to find the non-day-glo ElYucateco Hab sauce, it's SOOO much better. :)

Cool too, Honeysuckle White is what that Turkey was..'cept in a 3lb chunk. :D

Mey, I liek to cook the chiles WITH the meat as then the grease makes it gets all nuclear...cap is fat-soluable eh? After I drain it, I keep the grease for frying up potatos and eggs for breakfast...killer flavor and tad warm too.

* I haz Dos Equis Ambar atm, so goes with.... cheers!
whoa, that green sauce looks really weird. I'd think it was some kind of fruity desert/candy-sauce if I didn't know what it actually is...
QuadShotz said:

Although, ya rly need to find the non-day-glo ElYucateco Hab sauce, it's SOOO much better. :)

So I've heard! I have my eyes peeled for it, but my Price Chopper only carries the day-glo stuff :(. I got all the ingredients (including the peppers) @ one place though! And that's a good idea for the leftover meat grease. There wasn't much grease leftover from the turkey though :).

And Omri...I'm just learning from the best ;)
Aww well, it's the thought that counts :). There are several Mexican grocers around the city. If I'm passing by one & I have some time to kill, I'll prolly stop by.
PwnedPepper said:
its winngggggsssss tonight baby!

you gotta show these!

I'm making a black bean chicken stir fry tonight from scratch (black bean sauce, don't know how good it'll be :crosses fingers: )

which reminds me I gotta start it now, gotta go.
pwned - those wings look damn tasty!(except for the bleu cheese, not a fan of it)
whats the wing sauce, or did you just use store bought then add other chile powder or ? (I do this often adding powder or fresh chiles to weak sauces)
my black bean chicken stir fry, wanted to make my own blk bean sauce so I started to ferment the beans (2 days ago) but gave up cuz I couldn't find a recipe ANYWHERE! so it came out halfassed.
still tasted good, kinda on the nutty side from the chopped beans (food processor)
still decent heat from the thai (dried), green serrano's (fresh), chile oil used. have plenty of left overs for tommorrow.

For those that like crispy wings that are breaded, I picked up a tip yesterday from one of the cooking shows (cooking for real)....if you make your breading for the wings in with 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of corn starch that will add to the crispiness of the wing...she dredged them in egg to make the breading stick, then let them sit for a few minutes before frying them...this makes the breading adhere to the wings longer...

after they were fried, she added different sauces to the wings and tossed them to mix it up...