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food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

chilehunter said:
quad - that breakfast burrito looks very tasty!
have you ever made several breakfast burritos at once for later days & ya just nuke'em. when I make breakfast burritos I make several & freeze the others.


Hmm, can't say I have.

It's so quick to whip up fresh that I've never bothered to make ahead. Plus, I like variety. :)

I always have lots of little leftovers in the fridge, so that helps too I guess. I always have refried beans, cheese, rice, etc. on hand.
heres a asian style soup I threw together with venison slices. the red things are really HOT chiles!! the soup was HOT! I'll be eating this for the next couple meals & some will be frozen for later

That gave me an idea... ;-)


Garlic sourdough bread, mayo, good mustard, hab/jala jack, decently hot pepper rings..tri-color ones, smoked turkey breast, olive loaf, and romaine heart lettuce.

Prolly shoulda added onions but the peppers were pretty tart.




(sorry about crappy pix, blew a light bulb and light is icky atm)

Not uber-hot stuff, but mighty tasty.

Boy was this tasty. Here's what I started with:


Habs & serranos simmering in oil. Now, I didn't have time to take pics @ every step 'cause I was kinda in a hurry. But I scrambled up 3 eggs w/ the peppers. Then when the eggs were about halfway done I threw in some leftover taco meat (ground turkey cooked w/ habs, jalapenos, & hot & spicy el paso seasoning). I scrambled this around til the eggs were done. Threw it on a plate, topped w/ cheese, & voila. Yeah, this is how I'm gonna eat my eggs from now on. It was out of this world.


I should've taken the pic before I put the cheese on so you could see all the peppers that ended up in this concoction, lol. As always, sorry for the crappy cell phone pics.
impy - thats a worthy breakfast, & looks damn tasty!!

quad - I'm sorry but your meal lost its appeal as soon as you added pickelloaf (olive meat), mustard & mayo. (don't like them!!!)
moyboy - that chicken looks killer!! & bet it tasted great too.

well this is what I had yesterday (the poppers), ok I only ate half of them. the rest will be for today, I was gonna finish off some left over venison burger wild rice soup w/ the poppers but decided to just make a meal out of the poppers :lol:
so the left over wild rice soup & poppers will be for todays meals. (I add my own hot sauce to the soup & it becomes HOT) (the bowl of wild rice soup is a cold picture)


Whipped this up to go w/ my leftover wings from last night.


It's just a three cheese Totinos pizza w/ chopped jalapenos & habs. You can't really tell because the crappy pic makes the habs look like cheese, lol.
The Last Hot Meal I cooked.......

Was a variation on AJ's recipe (with Beans) please forgive me AJ.......The normal AJ recipe using Grape juice instead of wine and adding pinto beans, for chili powder I used Ancho. And for heat I threw in 6 white hab bullets finely ground, 1/2 Tbs Yucatan Hab powder, 4 fresh Orange Habs from my Garden, and a small can of Chipotoles in adoyo sauce. This all in a large slow cooker (5-6 quart) I made it for our Church, everyone who ate it loved (about 11 people excluding my wife and I) it except 1 person. I made sure to put a sign on it saying how hot it was, the amazing thing is a couple of Germans ate it and loved it......Germans don't normally eat hot food. It was fantastic.........and extremely HOT.
ImpyChick said:
Wow looks tasty! What all is that, CH?

skillet baked chicken, rice n' beans (premade mixture from store)
the bowl is dipping sauce for the chicken, ingredients are
- soy sauce
- lime juice
- onions **
- garlic **
- chiles **
- fresh ginger **
- cilantro **

** half of each ingredient was sauteed, the other half was left fresh & thrown straight into the mixing bowl. once the other half was sauteed it got thrown into the bowl & let sit for 10-20min. for flavor to blend. then just reheat what you need.
or you could serve right away, your choice, but you can make a batch of it & it'll last a couple days in the fridge no problem.

I thought I put enough hot chiles in this time, but landed up adding some more chile powder to the mixture.
this my favorite dipping sauce, goes great with chicken!
I took a dozen chicken drumsticks & fixed them up like I do my wings...oil, Louisiana wing sauce, & Da Bomb. Holy hell I went a lil crazy w/ the extract. I'm all woozy. Beer time.
Sounds great Impy. Don't tell anyone but I like to use ssshhhh..(thighs)! I think its the best part of the chicken. Boneless skinless chicken breast? That is so 80's Jane Fonda tired workout video diet grub. You're right also...beer time.

Cheers, TB.
I like thighs best too. Usually grilled or smoked though. Impy I am woozy right along with you now. I just made some wings and mixed up a concoction of Texas Pete, some kind of garlic sauce, Defcon DM MKII and a new sauce I just got called Otc (off the chart). It's made by the people that made those periodic element looking sauces, and it's damn hot. My mouth is on fire, my head is spinning, and I am sweating. And that's after only 5 wings.