food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Hell, I cheated and nuked the tort for like 20 secs....THEN filled, THEN folded and tossed in the CI...

THP is corect tho..however ya heat em, steam, nuke, flame, iron...they ned to be soft or they wil crack.
THP & quad - yes I do warm them up now, but I still think I should still chill out on the ingredient ammount.

ok heres my recent meal, nothing special but given the situation you wouldnt pass it up! (still tasty)

precook (sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, orange hab powder. & added this throughout the flipping)


in the skillet cooked


steak with salad, BTW that salad dressing is good!!!!(if any want to know) also a bubby called me at the same time, so I had to leave the steak in the skillet & it only turned out pink instead of a little bloody, nonetheless it was still good. & I had something decent to wash it down.

Nice motel food! I guess bringing a hot plate is a good idea. said:
Nice motel food! I guess bringing a hot plate is a good idea.

YES! a hot plate is kinda a life saver for having some good cooked meals (as long as ya bring other cookware ya know)
the meals may not look as pretty as say cooked on a grill or ? but still does the job an produce some tasty meals.

I just wish the F'ing maids would do their job an clean the place, shit I tip them an they're still a bunch of lazy B's :rolleyes:
This is my new favorite snack/meal:


It's a toasted English muffin with spicy cream cheese (cream cheese w/ habanero & pequin powders mixed in), lox, & egg white. With this one I used a bit too much egg white, but it was still darn tasty. And I heart lox so much. It's one of my favorite foods ever.
OK Impy, I saw that yummyness and had to make something for today's brunch. :D

I call it The Muffinator...



Jimmy Dean's Hot Brekky Sausage cooked up with carmelized onions, rosemary and garlic/hab/arbol/cayenne powders, A Very Large Brown Egg with Jalapenos, two slices of sharp cheddar, sweet pickle relish, and mayo with a spot of curry powder.

Mmmmmm. Grubbin' Time...
Gotta be using those giant potatos I bought, so decided I wanted some fried 'tators. :-)

Heated up some oil with a few japanese chile pods...if I'm cooking with oil, why not make it Chile Oil eh?

Cut up a potato, yes ONE potato...mixed w/ salt, pepper, cayenne, hab powder, and chile powder.

Into the oil with ya!

Now we got Tators!!

Good stuff.
FAIL.'re slippin'. Those should have been Atomic Cheese Fries topped with bacon bits with a side of habanero ranch dressing. YOU sir need a PBR STAT!!

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
FAIL.'re slippin'. Those should have been Atomic Cheese Fries topped with bacon bits with a side of habanero ranch dressing. YOU sir need a PBR STAT!!

Cheers, TB.

You know I have been thinking of doing some pub fries like you mentioned TB, in my cast iron. May have to do that this weekend. Have to run to the store now to get a few things, and when I return...GUMBO!!!
Do your 'thang with the fries JayT. THP rules say you must post the gumbo pics pronto!!

Last eve I had alaskan sockeye that I made into habanero fried salmon patties served along with a favorite of even mrs. blues, thai sweet chile cream sauce. I took pics of that and one of the best duckfarts I have layered. WIN.

Prior to uploading the pics, I went and downloaded IE 8 from the microsoft site to my 7 year old Viao. CRASH. Won't even boot up. Microsoft FAIL!

Hah! Took mrs. blues out for an early brunch and then on to Best Buy. I had been looking into going Apple for about a year and went to look at a particular model. There was an actual Apple rep at the store that works there full time. Awesome. Midway through demoing and the shpeel, I headed for the loo and when I got back mrs. blues had already bought the laptop for me. TB WIN!

With any luck I will download last nights mayhem to this new Blues Kitchen Central Command.

Cheers ya'll, TB.
Well you see, what haaa...happened was, while I was at the store Mrs JayT left to go yardsaling and the camera was in her purse. JayT Fail. I will take a pic of a bowl of it for you though. Just no action Roux shots.
This is beef tongue cooked with potatoes, pepper corn and 3 roasted anaheim chili's. Deceivingly spicy considering it's only 3 anaheims. This is one of my most favorite foods on the planet.
