food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Thanks dudes! That's a shell (strip) steak cooked perfectly to MR. Heavily marinated in Intensity Academy's Chai Thai and mustard. Some roasted jalapenos on top so you get some with every bite. A bit of wild rice on top too.
Nice sig you big prick! Oh and the steak looks ok i suppose....

edit: Just noticed moy's there as well. Thats some funny sh!t.
My last hot meal I cooked myself with Rocoto's and Aji Lemons from my own garden.
Rocoto Relleno Relleno.html

cooked in a clay pot with potatos.


By the way I completely avoided the salt/sugar baths and we ate it with its full heat and intensity........I mean really why eat a hot pepper if your trying to reduce the heat? Might as well eat a bell pepper......
Well, I'mg going with an entire "Appy meal" for dinner tonight. Hot wings, potato skins, deep fried jala's and deep fried pickles. Yes I'm going to try the deep fried pickles. Yea, there's some sick freak ;) on here that keeps going on about these things so I'll see what they're like first hand. Got the Q going for the wings and skins and the deep fryer going for the rest. Will try to snap a few picks of the final result
Blister, Good luck, my friend. If you do the pickles right, your life will never be the same.

What kind of pickles did you use? Did they last long enough for a picture?
Fried pickles are great with a beer batter, but equally great with a good seasoned flour dredge. You can't go wrong.

"APPY MEAL"...I love it. Gonna have to do that this weekend! Does it come with a toy?
I used Vlasics for the deep fried pickles and no they didn't last long enough to take a pic. I think they needed a bit more time and I really need to work on a better batter. The jala's are pretty decent. I double battered them by cooking then dipping them and cooking them again. I forgot to add that I also made some poppers. What kind of an Appy Meal would be complete without them?

Onto the pick:

Hot Catfish !!!!

I was hungering for fried catfish today so I decided to cook some....I used Zatarains shriimp fry to dredge the fish in then tossed it in yellow corn meal...I had added about 2 tablespoons of my superhot powder to the dredge...I ate about 2 hours ago and the burn is starting to diminish now...whole mouth is very warm all over...

got the dutch oven with 3/4 gallon peanut oil ready...


testing with two big fillets...


two fillets ready to eat...


catfish strips made from fillets cooking...


one more
now this is what I'm talkin' about....

Blister, keep on 'dem pickles! You'll get it down and get on board when you do! Nice spread!

AJ, what self respectin' Texican could possibly look upon those deep fried golden tidbits and not have a watering mouth? Where 'da tartar sauce and slaw at? Beautiful!

Salute', TB.
I haven't had catfish in a long time and this certainly made me miss it. Looks delicious. As TB asked above, any dipping sauces?
plain ol' Ketchup....

:looks around for some place to hide:
Hey AJ when its that good you don't need much. I have a local restauranteur who is from New Orleans (actually the nephew of Paul Prudhomme, Dave Prudhomme) who makes this in many ways, fried and blackened are my favorites, and serves it with a bayou mayo.
DAMN AJ!!! now THATS what catfish is supposed to look like!!!!

I have some shrimp fry and corn meal in my pantry right now...might be time to use another one of your ideas.
AJ's texas red chili is now a staple in my household...I've posted variations of it twice already on thp.
Maybe I'll have to recreate a catfish fry and fried pickles next.
ooh..even better, fried catfish topped with AJ's texas red and a dollop of daisy, a scoop of Blue Bell for dessert.
Nicely done, sir. I tip my crown to you.
to tell you the truth, I was too lazy to go make any dips and don't have any off the top of my head except the mustard/butter/dill I use for salmon...somehow that doesn't sound good with catfish...probably more of a sweet hot dip would be good with a tartar like sauce for balance...

I have plenty left over (I cooked 4 pounds) that I will munch on today then freeze what is left (if there is any)...

TB...shoot me a dip recipe (or link to one)that you think would be perfect for this catfish please sir...

JayT...I like blackened probably best for other fish...catfish blackened in fine but Mahi or Swordfish is much better IMO...since Linda went on weight watchers, I cook a lot of fish...mostly grilled...
Nice! I just like to squeeze fresh lemon on fried catfish.
tomorrows meal will be my favorite of all time...

Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper?

Golden fried pork chops and turnip greens
Purple hull peas full of snapped beans
Buttermilk Habanero Cornbread in the cast iron pan
And a nice peach cobbler baked crispy, man oh man

AlabamaJack said:
to tell you the truth, I was too lazy to go make any dips and don't have any off the top of my head except the mustard/butter/dill I use for salmon...somehow that doesn't sound good with catfish...probably more of a sweet hot dip would be good with a tartar like sauce for balance...

I have plenty left over (I cooked 4 pounds) that I will munch on today then freeze what is left (if there is any)...

TB...shoot me a dip recipe (or link to one)that you think would be perfect for this catfish please sir...

JayT...I like blackened probably best for other fish...catfish blackened in fine but Mahi or Swordfish is much better IMO...since Linda went on weight watchers, I cook a lot of fish...mostly grilled...

AJ, to me that mudcat calls for a tartar made with capers, shallot, garlic, lemon juice, splash of worcestershire, splash of hot sauce,pinches of dill, cayenne pepper, paprika, all mixed into mayo. Lemon wedges on the side of course.

(I gots to tell ya'....sometimes....:looks around: I don't put anything but squeezed lemon or lime...:looks around time...I accidently got ketchup on my fish...)
