food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Pepperfreak said:
Okay, here's the deal. Most of what I cook is Spicy, I just forget to take pictures :rolleyes: so I don't share.

Well, tonight I remembered to take a picture...I am currently smoking some Italian Sausage specially made for me with 3 different hot Pepper powders in the mix. My butcher makes them up for me in 10 lb batches and laughs every time I place an order. But they are so good!

This is also the first time I have tried smoking anything on my gas grill. The other day while at Lowe's I saw a wood chip tray made for the gas grill and just had to pick it up along with some hickory chips. Mmmm...the smoke smells so good!

So, here is the shot: (sorry for the quality, my cheap camera didn't know what to focus on)

I think it was the lens melting maybe?:shocked:
Blister said:
LOL! It's a reference to the T.V. show "Just Shoot Me" where Jack wants Elliot to do some tasteful shots of him the boudoir, but because he's so nervous he snaps at Elliot for suggesting he open his robe just a little bit. He said something to the effect of "I know how you slick photographers work, first it's open your robe just a little bit, then you suggest I take it off, next thing you know I'm soaping up a corvette in my birthday suit!"

The starting point in this reference was TB suggesting Quad have a few drinks and telling him that it's no fun without a few... Kind of a long way around to make reference to a little known TV show that aired in the late 90s I guess.

chillilover said:

You explanation was more confusing that your post.

Break Glass - Drink Beer... Hurry!
ok heres what I made tonight (& ate...well not all of it though)

ingredients....9 habs, added another onion & forgot to add lemon juice in the pic but usually use lime juice. tabasco soy sauce...I had to buy to try it & for the bottle for the has a different taste...kinda funky if you ask me vs normal soy sauce.


as you can see next to chiles the next favorite veg. are onions!
(some CI action for the sambal) FYI I added the hab powder in the jar to the right (which roughly equals a healthy tablespoon full) to the sambal


some CI chicken action, & no its not burnt! that crispness adds to the flavor & texture.


final meal


its 1 of my favorite meals, simple to make & like the ingredients. as for the beer "skol" 1st time trying it (fair price so bought it) its good...nothing great but not bad either IMO...its made in turkey, maybe omri has had this beer ?
CH..nice chix and kudo's on the cast iron. Damn that had to hot with all the habs and sambal.
Okay 'splain me Lucy.....a beer named Skol made in Turkey....FAIL! That's definitely up there on my weird shit-o-meter.

Salute', TB.
texas blues said:
Damn that had to hot with all the habs and sambal.

it was hot but I think i'm getting a higher tolerance to chiles, so it wasnt that bad.

texas blues said:
Okay 'splain me Lucy.....a beer named Skol made in Turkey....FAIL! That's definitely up there on my weird shit-o-meter.

it was good...I've had worse beer & I've had better each their own I guess. but for $4 6 pack it was worth trying....sure beats pigseye or blatz :lol:
I happen to applaud your adventurous spirit in trying different beers. I try as many as I can. In fact I went on a beer tour of Russia while I was over there. There are SO many different kinds. There may be a bunch that are less than noteworthy, but you may also come across a new favorite ;).

I also encourage you to buy friends 'cheap' beers as a b-day present. I bought a buddy of mine some "Old Speckled Hen" beer a few years back. It wasn't for me, but he managed to down it. Funny as hell because he made the bitter beer face after each drink. Last year I bought him some beer that tasted like chocolate. It was the 1st beer that I've ever seen him put down. He's been able to drink everything I've bought him until that one :lol:
Last mission of culinary expertise (i use the term very lightly, lol)
was a beautiful rendition of the world famous Oysters Kilpatrick. This Kilpatrick was boosted by the use of the yet to be world famous Y-7 Turkey Slap and some stinky old chilli cheese that was found at my local rip-off merchants.

6 Sydney rock oysters
2 small pieces of middle rindless middle bacon
1 clove of garlic
Stinky chilli cheese
Worschstishire sauce (spelling)
Roughly 1/4 teaspoon Turkey Slap per oyster

Piccy of stuff that i just wrote.

Oysters with the slap applied.

Lightly pan fried bacon and garlic goes on along with a splash of woosy sauce.

Now we apply the cheese cut into thin strips so it will brown nicely without cooking the oysters too much.

Now we put it under the grill for about 3-4 minutes.....
......and it comes out looking like this.

This is a dish that everyone that likes oysters should try, just use your favourite hot sauce and you are good to go, yummers!!
A couple recent things.

Garlic Chicken & Mushroom Pasta w/ Fatali & Jalapenos

The small yellow bits are the fatali..I minced it perhaps a bit TOO fine..


A MaMa Rosa's Supreme Pizza done MY way

(It comes with Sausage, Peppers & Pepperoni. I also topped it with italian chicken sausage cooked w/ NagaSav, Crimini 'shroomz, Red Habanero X, and eXtra Mozz)



Not bad for two big pizzas for $6
They just needed some "upgrades".... ;-)

Basically, I use a supreme pizza as the crust for MY pizza. Heheheh.
Nova, I'm an oyster eatin' fool and those look hot, blue, and righteous to me! Good on ya'!

Quady, just when I was tryin' to get away from the nan pizza 'thang you have to go and post that cheezy spicebomb!
Thanks alot pal. No really!

Salute', TB.
I'm take a pedestrian 1/4" crap
bom of a Deli supreme pizza..and transform it into glory... ;-D

What better crust, than another pizza!

Thanks T.B. :P Quaddy i like the way you use pizza as crust man!! :lol: When i try and do that the bloody thing never cooks properly because of the 3 inch layer of cheese on top :rofl:
Nice looking stuff guys. :-D

Here's recent snax:

Whole-Wheat English Muffin spread with my Naga4Brainz and Brusweiger, topped with mozz and pepperoni.


Just ate's a slabb of a jalapeno/onion/cheese omlette on a tort spread with the EBiL Naga4Brainz Sauce, then smothered in VERY seasoned ground beef, topped with Harvarti/Pepperjack and green onion.



Good snackin'
Hey everybody,

I have been lurking here for some time now and decided to join in on the fun. So here goes:

The ingredients

The cauldron (as I don't have a crockpot or Dutch oven, I have to settle for a CI wok)

The result

It was pretty good, but a little too runny for my taste. Note to self: less wine and chicken broth next time.