food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

this looks like a great meal, has everything I like :drooling:

xgrafcorex said:
Hot hot dogs... always a winner! I was thinking about cooking some myself today. I scored some chilli oil yesterday that I'm planing to cook everything in... nice and greasy!
gasificada said:
Hot hot dogs... always a winner! I was thinking about cooking some myself today. I scored some chilli oil yesterday that I'm planing to cook everything in... nice and greasy!

sounds like a winner, hurry up & cook it cuz we're waiting :lol:
I still gotta hit the shops for some dogs and onion... but not with this deluge of rain we got going right now! When will I ever learn?? Always have the basics and necessities on hand!

And this rain, it's murderous I tell ya! My plants hate it!

Fifteen hundred thousand million years of drought here and it decides to rain when I start growing chillies........
wifey wanted a dhaal tonight so used some left-overs & pantry staples...
yellow split peas
diced potatoes, both boiled then simmered until soft

chopped shallots
chopped garlic
balti mix curry powder
2 dried red chillies, all fried in oil until soft, added finely sliced bell peppers & chopped plum tomatoes & a little water to prevent sticking/form a sauce, added a little salt & pepper.

chucked in some chopped diced honey-roasted ham & chopped coriander (cilantro) plus 2 large scotch bonnets (de-seeded, placentas retained, chopped & added to the mix)
served up with naan bread for dipping or scooping up the dhaal.

tasty, satisfying, nourishing & utterly delicious!
just wish i'd taken pics...:(
I love a good daal, cherrybomb!

Here's a few pics of some I have cooked in the past:

Channa & Toor Daal

Veggie Daal (Mung I think... I don't remember now)

Mung Daal - cooking slowly on the stove

And here's a tadka I was cooking for a daal
I am invited today and as a little gift I made some chili oil. I took some Limon, Fatalii, Thai red hot and some kind of Red Habanero, crushed them, got some peppercorns and spices and filled it up with olive oil. They are not very used to eating hot, so they might be surprised :hell:

Tried something a little different last night. Although it didn't call for any chili's we added some cayenne to a thai dish called Coconut Pork Curry to give it a bit of zing. I'm not usually that big into sweet dishes for dinner, but this one was pretty good. Once the sweet part was over you got hints of lime from the kaffir lime leaves. Pretty quick and easy to cook with very little prep or stove time.

:cool:All this talk of spicy nice food!! mmmmm i am hungry.. i had some hab sauce on my sausage sandwich yesterday does that count??
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
All my meals are spicy....very spicy and HOT. So how to tell my last spicy meal? :(


I'm in the same boat as you NJA. :lol: In fact I have pretty much given up posting, unless it was very spectacular. In fact, I could post What was the last non-spicy meal you cooked? and I can't remember that. :lol:
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
All my meals are spicy....very spicy and HOT. So how to tell my last spicy meal? :(


I think that means, NJA, that you must just post everything you make. :P

You could post only the ones that even your wife and kids will not share...your wife was raised in the same neighborhood, yes? :onfire:

I know reading this board has raised the heat level in most of my cooking...I still dont hold a candle to you guys.

It is rare now that I have a day without peppers...:)
I've gone as far as taking my homemade bhut jolokia seasoning with me when going out to eat. It's rather funny to yank a spice bottle out of your pocket in a restaraunt...;)
We are voting on going out for tex mex meal tomorrow (well american diner) but they do loads of mex dishes.... secretly in am yelling inside hooray..but shhhh.. i am gonna have to take a hot sauce with me in my pocket (cheers paulky).but deciding what to take i fancy sweet one so may be yacatan one i have..mmm