food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Pepperfreak said:
So what you're saying opened a can of Campbell's tomato soup and dumped in a can of corn and then tossed in some jalapeños? :lol:

When you put it like doen't sound very appetizing. :lol:
Right now Johnny is making melted brie with garlic, heavy cream, and blended habaneros injected into jalapenos! ... hes going to post pix soon.. he just walked over and dripped the cheese onto my finger to taste mmm (that sounds dirty? ew.. )

Nicole said:
Right now Johnny is making melted brie with garlic, heavy cream, and blended habaneros injected into jalapenos! ... hes going to post pix soon.. he just walked over and dripped the cheese onto my finger to taste mmm (that sounds dirty? ew.. )


YAY Johnny!!!!

Cheese injected, eh? You should post pictures of the process.
Pepperfreak said:
So what you're saying opened a can of Campbell's tomato soup and dumped in a can of corn and then tossed in some jalapeños? :lol:

Who's been nosing around here? How'd you find out my secret recipe?
ok... johnny posted pix under thread, "snowday cooking medley"

.. enjoy ! and dont get mad if the pix kick up your appetite and your not here to enjoy the food :o)

from last night-
Ham, cabbage, onion, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, olive oil, S & P, and our recently acquired Heartbreaking Dawns Gold hot sauce.

And tonight---------

microwave nachos with 2 kinds of Heartbreaking Dawns hot sauces! Gold and pineapple jalapeno!

The HBD hot sauces were delightfully different and YUMMY on the nachos and the gold was a great addition to the cabbage dish. On both occasions, I went back to the bottle and added more.

Oh well..........there went the diet...........might as well make some more while waiting for Survivor to come on!

And next time I take pics with bottles, I'll lay the bottles down next to the plate for the top shot.


ps- here's the snowday link
Salsalady - your nacho's are making me hungry!

Blister - that chicken looks awesome.. I'd also appreciate it if you posted the recipe :D