food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

That was a good vid Paul. Ok, here's lunch. Beer Brats with onion red & green bell pepper, jalapeno, and fresno chiles. Topped with mustard and fatalii sauce and Monterey Jack cheese.



I couple of nights ago I made a Stromboli, which is basically pizza dough rolled into a flat rectangle where I put cheddar cheese and breakfast bacon in the center & mozzarella cheese, artichoke hearts, eggplant Parmesan, and a shit-ton of fresh, diced Serrano peppers. After rolling it up and sealing it, I smothered it in seasoned garlic butter before it went in the oven, and when it came out. Prep and all took me 20 min. I ate the shit out of it, none my coworkers at the Romano's pizza tried it because they have become extremely skeptical of everything I cook now... But hey, what can you do if you can't convince the people that you love to stop eating bland food?
pileiton said:
By that logic you don't have pics of my conception so I don't exist!

Pretty sound logic right there. Things are strange down at the old internet super roadway thinie so maybe you don't exist...
If she doesn't exist, who do I keep having these pointless conversations with then? And will someone PLEASE post some food here so we can make it stop. Mel???
I'm sorry JT... I could have posted my spicy chill sausages with mash and gravy tonight but didnt take any pics!! I've been *trying* to cut back on my post whoring.. will be back in full swing tomorrow night :D here's a repost of the sweet chilli sauce i made on the weekend :D
camera battery flat.. and i'm sleepy.. plus i thought you'd appreciate the beer boxes in the back.. even if they are pure bland :P too tired.. two nights with minimal sleep.. hoping tonights the night and tomorrow night can be a cooking extravaganza!! spicy lamb shanks are on the horizon!! (prolly not till friday though!)