food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

JayT WOW... that sounds like an Asian spice influenced pot roast, and it sounds so damn good! That is all win.
Nicole actually made them, I just ate Them.....simple BHUT BROWNIES..... 1 box your choice brownie mix, add one heaping tablespoon of fine Bhut Jolokia Powder, bake as directed....I had one a few days ago and I've been thinking about them ever since so I grabbed the box, fine ground the Bhut powder and 25 minutes later......DELICIOUS!
Sounds good. I like chewy brownies with a little crunch around the edges and top, not fudgy or cakey brownies. How do you like yours? said:
Sounds good. I like chewy brownies with a little crunch around the edges and top, not fudgy or cakey brownies. How do you like yours?
I like them moist in the center, crispy on the top, warm and topped with ice cream.....oh man that's so good I think I might just start the day off with one, i gotta give the rest away fast today or else i'll eat them all, and even though they are good, i think I'd rather not do that .
heartbreakingdawns said:
I like them moist in the center, crispy on the top, warm and topped with ice cream.....oh man that's so good

I like'em as you described, only instead of ice cream.....try some real butter spread on top right after they come out of the oven. The butter melts right in......

.....and a COLD glass of milk.

That's damn near as good as BEER!
Oh yeah warm with vanilla ice cream on top, and the brownie must have walnuts. Win! :)

Damn I need to make some now.

I used to buy a brownie from a place with dried cherries in it. I think this would go good with some heat, and the ice cream. said:
Oh yeah warm with vanilla ice cream on top, and the brownie must have walnuts. Win! :)

Damn I need to make some now.

I used to buy a brownie from a place with dried cherries in it. I think this would go good with some heat, and the ice cream.

Negative on the ice cream......

Well since I am not drinking tonight, I will post this here.

JayT's Chicken & Mango Curry


Two boneless and skinless chicken breasts cut into small chunks
1/2 and onion small dice
1/2 yellow bell pepper small dice
4oz sliced mushrooms
1/2 mango diced
1/2 bunch cilantro finely chopped
4 Tbs hot red curry paste
2 Tbs curry powder
Thai chile powder to taste
1 can coconut milk
1 cup chicken broth
Jasmine rice



Probably not even close to authentic, but it sure tastes damn good.
paulky_2000 said:
Jay, I'm LOVING THIS!!!!

You should try some bacon crumbled over the top.....It's awesome!!!

BAM! Just when it looked and sounded too awesome already, Paul pulls out the bacon!

It does look very delicious, JayT :drooling: