food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Here it is....

Kinda anti-climactic, really....but quite delicious!!

Salmon cakes with onion, egg, bread crumbs, fatalii, and habanero, biscuits-n-gravy. Simple, yet satisfying! (the ones w/ the toothpicks were mild for Retta!)




Paulky please don't tell me that's salmon from a can. Kinda looks like..... it.
Looks like this:


Retta loved it SO much that she went back for seconds! She NEVER does that!!!

It got her southern cooking seal of approval. ;)
I'm getting out of the way. TB is gonna shoot you lol. said:
I'm getting out of the way. TB is gonna shoot you lol.

I hope not!!! I've been making them this way since I was 15.....they're wonderful! Plus, to me, it'd be a damn shame to waste FRESH salmon on something that truly equates to a "fish meatloaf" know?

wayright said:
MMmmm.. Biscuits n Gravy.. this southern boy loves it! Looks great Paul KY..

I think despite the fact you used canned salmon, those look good. BTW, if you like those, that you made, next time try using fresh salmon. It'll be a whole lot better! ;) And, where is TB? I'm surprised that he hasn't commented on this yet :P
i think they look great Paulie!! My Nan used to make tuna rissoles that were much the same.. mmm they were good..i can only imagine your salmon cakes are just as tasty!
I use salmon in da can all the time, however by the time it gets there it has been processed by myself.

*TB should say something like that*
I think TB fell in the Drunken Chef and couldn't get up. Or maybe he broke into those 20yr old Thomas Hardy's he's promising me. Dammit TB get your hands off my beer!!! I still think you are going to be hearing from him though Paul...

Thanks everyone for the feedback. I truly wouldn't use canned salmon for anything BUT this type of recipe as it's actually kinda gross, if you ask me. BUT, I got this *basic* recipe from my grandmother and it calls for the canned salmon. When I told Retta I was making salmon cakes, she really got excited.....and her recipe was very similar to mine (except for the bread crumbs.....She uses crushed saltines) It must be a poor southern dish....

Anyways.....I'm very interested in the fresh salmon idea. How would one prepare the flesh for making patties? Grind it like ground beef? Mince it up with a knife? I'm sure it'd be wonderful! Way more expensive....but I bet well worth it!
Good to hear that from you Paul. And I will not doubt you as I have seen you destroy canned potato salad after being shown a better way.
Oh noes......I was able to view pics a few minutes ago and have now recovered from the sinfulness I had previously witnessed. White gravy on salmon cakes? SALMON CAKES??? Bierre blanc I could see.. but a southern style bechamel....sorry I can't get hip to that. I say not a FAIL but...
not a WIN.

BTW's just fine to use canned salmon when fresh is unobtainable. The fact that you are eating any salmon is a WIN!!