food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

G as good as that sounds, it is registering high on my weird shit-o-meter (is that what it is called TB?). I mean it looks like someone threw up stoganoff onto your burritos. Not racist. Not that it looks bad, just weird. Was it good?

Oh and TB, do enchiladas count as tex-mex if I use chicken?
LOL - There wasn't anything about these that fits into any definition of a "standard" - yes, they were weird. I mean, c'mon - who thinks "white wine : mushrooms : Mexican"? Not anyone I know! (Ok, I did, but I don't usually.) But then, TB's Tex-Mex and Korean fusion didn't exactly jump out mentally as "oh yeah, that goes together" either, though it seems to have become a popular thing to do out that way. So yeah, gotta put the mental picture away and just give it a try. Was it good? I wouldn't have posted it here if it wasn't. It would have been one of those "yeah, we'll just not say anything and put it over here" dishes. But my son ate four of the enchiladas, so I guess he thought they were good, too.

Oh, and yes, there are Tex-Mex chicken enchiladas. Look up chicken enchiladas suiza, which has a sour-cream based sauce.
Look up enchiladas? As in research? No need. I make Yankee enchiladas. I just wanted to know from TB if the Tex-Mex thread would be appropriate for posting.
So.... I'm sitting here polishing off the last frenchican enchilada for lunch, thinking I should try making them again, but use tequila in place of the wine. Could be good.....
Uhm no.

I wouldn't waste tequila like that.

The fact is, tequila isn't really that great to cook or even marinate with.

Wine, brandy, or even vodka are much better choices.

And tequila with hongos?

Not exactly my first choice for compatibility.
Typically when I cook with tequila, it's added at the end rather than at the beginning, then cooked just long enough to burn off some of the alcohol. Compatibility? This is mad scientist in the kitchen time - MWA HA HA HA HA HA! Sometimes one comes up with crazy-good stuff that isn' "supposed" to go together!
I'll give you that G, good point.

Lots of things shouldn't go well together but they do.

Like filet oscar.

Beef, crab, asparagus and hollandaise all mixed up rocks a plate.

Who knew?
If I do, it won't be quite like momma used to make... with all the homework I have next week, I'll probably just buy canned sauce, and shredded cheeses, and canned re-fried beans... BUT. Still better than nothing. I'm thinking chicken too... Simply because I have a bunch of that in the freezer!
No shame in using a few convenience ingredients - this isn't the "I made everything from scratch" thread! But if you really want to make everything from scratch, no problem with that, either.